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The Psychology of Arson Zusammenfassung

The Psychology of Arson: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Managing Deliberate Firesetters Rebekah Doley (School of Psychology at Bond University, Australia and the Australian Centre for Arson Research and Treatment)

The Psychology of Arson is the first book in its field to focus specifically on contemporary topics relevant to practitioners and professionals working with adolescent and adult deliberate firesetters. Rebekah Doley, Geoffrey Dickens and Theresa Gannon have integrated the very latest information regarding prevalence, theory, research and practice in one accessible resource, and provide practical advice, strategies and techniques in a context of evidence-based research which will be invaluable for all treatment providers who work in the field of deliberate fire setting.

Unique features of this book include chapters considering community awareness, strategies, survivors of arson, filicide and suicide by fire, as well as a new treatment model developed on the basis of the latest research in the field. It is divided into four parts:

Theories and typologies of firesetting

Legal, investigative and preventative issues

Assessment and risk assessment of deliberate firesetters

Treatment, needs and management of deliberate firesetters

The Psychology of Arson provides the first scientist-practitioner model for the treatment of arson offenders. It will be an essential resource for forensic psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and other professionals working with this client group.

The Psychology of Arson Bewertungen

"I strongly recommend this excellent book as it showcases the current thinking and theorizing regarding adult deliberate firesetters. The book covers a broad spectrum of topics regarding unique populations of firesetters, relevant legal and forensic science issues, as well as assessment and treatment ideas by experts from a number of countries and disciplines. In my view this book is an indispensable asset to anyone attempting to understand and manage the complex phenomenon of adult deliberate firesetters." - Douglas Boer, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Centre for Applied Psychology, Faculty of Health, University of Canberra

"This is a well thought out and well researched book. It is an excellent reference and recommended reading for any therapist who wishes to deal effectively with firesetters, and for those researchers who would move forward the field." - Kenneth R. Fineman, Ph.D., ABPP, Associate Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine

"This book is an excellent, comprehensive overview of state of the art theory, assessment, and treatment of adults who deliberately set fires. The editors are at the cutting edge of empirical and theoretical research into the causes of firesetting and its treatment, and have significant international reputations in the area. The various contributors have produced informative and valuable chapers and collectively this volume should provide clinicians with what they need to tackle this challenging problem." - Professor Tony Ward, Clinical Director, MA (Hons), PhD, DipClinPsyc (Canty) MNZCCP, Clinical Director, School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

"Since cave dwellers first learned to start fires, deliberate fire setting for malevolent purposes has wrecked havoc, destroyed property and ended lives worldwide. It's amazing that a problem of such magnitude remains so poorly understood.The Psychology of Arson offers a much needed advancement in our knowledge about deliberate fire setting. And only through comprehension can we achieve effective prevention and treatment, and only through these interventions can we achieve mastery of a problem that has haunted us since before man could stand erect." - Jeffrey Geller, MD, MPH, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School

"The title provides a comprehensive overview of the most current research and theory linked to deliberate fire-setters across adolescent and adult populations... Overall, the book is a welcome addition to the literature to support professionals working across a range of settings." - Mark Crane, Forensic Update

Über Rebekah Doley (School of Psychology at Bond University, Australia and the Australian Centre for Arson Research and Treatment)

Rebekah M. Doley is an Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Forensic and Interpersonal Risk Management at Bond University. She is a registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, with a history of research, assessment and treatment of offenders and non-offenders, with a speciality in the psychology of deliberate firesetting. Rebekah has published in the areas of forensic and clinical psychology, with a particular focus on firesetting. Geoffrey L. Dickens is Professor of Mental Health Nursing at Abertay University, Dundee. He leads a research programme about inpatient risk behaviours, and is particularly interested in the applicability of risk assessment instruments across diverse populations. He is author of more than 50 research papers relating to secure or forensic mental health care. He is a registered mental health nurse with nearly 20 years' experience, including extensive work in research and practice development. Theresa A. Gannon is a Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Kent, UK and is Director of the Centre of Research and Education in Forensic Psychology (CORE-FP). Theresa also works as a Consultant Forensic Psychologist specialising in sexual offenders and firesetters in Kent Forensic Psychiatry Service, UK. Theresa has published numerous chapters, articles, books and other scholarly works in the areas of firesetting. In particular she is lead developer of the Multi-Trajectory Theory of Adult Firesetting.


Doley, Gannon, Dickens, Introduction. Part I: Theories and Typologies of Firesetting. Gannon, Theories and Typologies of Firesetting. Lambie, Ioane, Randell, Understanding Child and Adolescent Firesetting. Fritzon, Miller, Female Firesetters. Chaplin, Henry, Assessment and Treatment of Deliberate Firesetters With Intellectual Disability. Ellis-Smith, Doley, Suicide by Fire. Tyler, Barnoux, Filicide by Fire. Part II: Legal, Investigative and Preventative Issues. Palk, Medico-Legal Concepts of Insane Arson. Fritzon, Santtila, Laukkanen, Geographic Profiling: Advances in Arson Investigation. Davis, Bennett, Future Directions for Criminal Behaviour Analysis of Deliberately Set Fire Events. Stanley, Read, Current and Future Directions for the Place of Community in the Prevention of Bushfire Arson. Part III: Assessment and Risk Assessment of Deliberate Firesetters. Watt, Ong, Current Directions of Risk Assessment in Deliberate Firesetters. David, Bennett, Risk Assessment of Parolees: Current Best Practice. O Ciardha, The Relationship Between Firesetting and Sexual Offending. Part IV: Treatment, Needs and Management of Deliberate Firesetters. McEwan, Ducat, The Role of Mental Disorder in Firesetting Behaviour. Bell, Working With Adult Arsonists: Therapeutic Process ISSUES. Stadolnik, Promising Practice in the Development of Assessment and Treatment Models for Juvenile Firesetting/Arson. Dickens, Doyle, Mentally Disordered Firesetters in Secure Mental Health Care: A Forensic Mental Health Nursing Perspective. Wilmoth, Hollows, Arson Survivors. Doley, Gannon, Dickens, Where next? Identifying Firesetting Research Priorities.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Psychology of Arson: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Managing Deliberate Firesetters Rebekah Doley (School of Psychology at Bond University, Australia and the Australian Centre for Arson Research and Treatment)
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