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The Little Field Marshall Richard Holmes

The Little Field Marshall von Richard Holmes

The Little Field Marshall Richard Holmes

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This comprehensive biography of Field Marshal Richard Holmes is a portrait of a man who was at the heart of some of the most important military events of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The Little Field Marshall Zusammenfassung

The Little Field Marshall: Sir John French Richard Holmes

Sir John French is a figure who has always aroused controversy. Douglas Haig despised him, while Churchill thought his leadership qualities unsurpassed. Despite being the most capable cavalry leader of his generation, posterity has judged him an unfeeling butcher, responsible for more deaths in the first two hours of the battle of Loos than all the casualties on both sides in the 1944 D-Day landings. But there was another side to French, which is only revealed in his private papers. If his public life was controversial, his private life was positively scandalous: he courted dismissal after an affair with a fellow officer's wife, and had a string of beautiful and well-connected mistresses. And far from being the unfeeling butcher of popular myth, he was personally tormented by what he termed 'glory and her twin sister murder'. The lengthening casualty lists on the Western Front filled him with despair, as he envisaged his room at GHQ filled with the 'silent army' of the dead. In the writing of this book, the first and only comprehensive biography of the Field Marshal, Richard Holmes was granted unrestricted access to Sir John French's private papers. His research has produced a portrait of a complex man, at the heart of some of the most important military events of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Über Richard Holmes

Richard Holmes is Professor of Military and Security Studies at Cranfield University and the Royal Military College of Science. For many years he taught military history at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst before leaving for a spell of full-time military service. He has presented several BBC TV series, including War Walks and The Western Front, and wrote the accompanying books.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Little Field Marshall: Sir John French Richard Holmes
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Orion Publishing Co
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