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Numerical Methods School Mathematics Project

Numerical Methods von School Mathematics Project

Numerical Methods School Mathematics Project

4,69 €
Zustand - Wie Neu
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This unit demonstrates the need for a critical faculty in considering numerical calculations and interpreting results. The use of the computer and/or graphical calculators in carrying out numerical algorithms is also covered.

Numerical Methods Zusammenfassung

Numerical Methods School Mathematics Project

The aim of 16-19 Mathematics has been to produce a course which, while challenging, is accessible and enjoyable to all students. The course develops ability and confidence in mathematics and its applications, together with an appreciation of how mathematical ideas help in the understanding of the world and society in which we live. This unit develops: * an appreciation of possible errors which may arise from computer calculations and the need for more subtle methods to improve accuracy; * a critical faculty in considering numerical calculations and interpreting results; * an awareness of the use of the computer and/or graphical calculators in carrying out numerical algorithms and helping in the visualisation of the process; * an ability to use appropriate technology to solve problems numerically.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Numerical Methods School Mathematics Project
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Cambridge University Press
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