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Make Change Shaun King

Make Change von Shaun King

Make Change Shaun King

Zustand - Wie Neu
5 auf Lager

Make Change Zusammenfassung

Make Change Shaun King

Activist and journalist Shaun King reflects on the events that made him one of the most prominent social justice leaders of our time and lays out a clear action plan for you to join the fight.

As a leader of the Black Lives Matter movement, Shaun King has become one of the most recognizable and powerful voices on the front lines of civil rights in our time. His commitment to reforming the justice system and making America a more equitable place has brought challenges and triumphs, soaring victories and crushing defeats. Yet throughout his wide-ranging activism, Kings commentary remains rooted in both exhaustive research and abundant passion.

In Make Change, King offers an inspiring look at the moments that have shaped his life and considers the ways social movements can grow and evolve in this hyperconnected era. He shares stories from his efforts leading the Raise the Age campaign and his work fighting police brutality, while providing a roadmap for how to stay sane, safe, and motivated even in the worst of political climates. By turns infuriating, inspiring, and educational, Make Change will resonate with those who believe that America canand mustdo better.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Make Change Shaun King
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers Inc
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