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Talking with Children About Things That Matter Sheila Kitzinger

Talking with Children About Things That Matter von Sheila Kitzinger

Talking with Children About Things That Matter Sheila Kitzinger

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A bestselling author of books on childbirth, and her daughter, a psychologist, have together produced this book on helping parents to answer their children's most difficult and disturbing questions. Their research for this book involved interviewing hundreds of mothers.

Talking with Children About Things That Matter Zusammenfassung

Talking with Children About Things That Matter Sheila Kitzinger

A bestselling author of books on childbirth, and her daughter, a psychologist, have together produced this book on helping parents to answer their children's most difficult and disturbing questions. Their research for this book involved interviewing hundreds of mothers with different backgrounds and beliefs, and exploring with them the values and standards we communicate to our children through words, associations and behaviour.


Expectations; learning to be good; food; obedience and autonomy; lies and secrets; sex and birth; friends - theirs and yours; aggression and violence; death; religion; politics and prejudice.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Talking with Children About Things That Matter Sheila Kitzinger
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
HarperCollins Publishers
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