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Prisongate Sir David Ramsbotham

Prisongate von Sir David Ramsbotham

Prisongate Sir David Ramsbotham

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During his time as Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons, Sir David Ramsbotham advocated radical reform, but his suggestions were barely acknowledged by ministers and officials. In this book, he reveals the truth about Britain's prisons.

Prisongate Zusammenfassung

Prisongate: The Shocking State of Brtain's Prisons and the Need for Visionary Change Sir David Ramsbotham

Drugs and violence are rife in our filthy, overcrowded prisons. Women and underage prisoners are treated badly by staff and other prisoners alike. At a huge cost to the taxpayer and to society at large, prisoners repeatedly return to prison after re-offending. Even with greater understanding of why people turn to crime, the British prison service still adopts a Victorian punitive, rather than a rehabilitating, approach. This out-dated attitude must change if the British prison service and justice system are not to reach meltdown. During his time as Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons, Sir David Ramsbotham was a thorn in Jack Straw's side. The government imagined he would be submissive; instead, shocked at what he found inside our prisons, he advocated radical reform but his suggestions were barely acknowledged by ministers and officials. In this book, he reveals the truth about Britain's prisons.

Über Sir David Ramsbotham

Sir David Ramsbotham, GCB, CBE is an establishment figure and former Army general who was Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons for five and a half years. Seeking prison reform, he was a thorn in the side of Jack Straw's government just when they thought he was going to be submissive.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Prisongate: The Shocking State of Brtain's Prisons and the Need for Visionary Change Sir David Ramsbotham
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Simon & Schuster Ltd
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