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DogTown Stefan Bechtel

DogTown von Stefan Bechtel

DogTown Stefan Bechtel

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This informative, inspiring book presents representative stories of dogs considered unadoptable by other shelters.

DogTown Zusammenfassung

DogTown: Tales of Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Redemption Stefan Bechtel

These compelling, winningly illustrated true stories, each uniquely moving and inspirational, draw upon the experience of veterinarians, trainers, and volunteers to probe a range of tough, touching cases that evoke both the joy and the occasional but inevitable heartbreak that accompanies this work. Each chapter follows a dog from the first day at Dogtown until he ultimately finds (or doesn't find) a permanent new home, focusing both on the relationship between the dog and the Dogtown staff and on the latest discoveries about animal health and behavior. We learn how dogs process information, how trauma affects their behavior, and how people can help them overcome their problems. In the end, we come to see that there are no bad dogs and that with patience, care, and compassion, people can help dogs to heal.

Über Stefan Bechtel

Stefan Bechtel is a veteran storyteller, a founding editor of Men's Health US; and a contributor to Esquire and the Washington Post; and the author of seven books on conservation, health, investment, and severe weather. His books have sold more than two million copies and have been translated into eight languages.

Zusätzliche Informationen

DogTown: Tales of Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Redemption Stefan Bechtel
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
National Geographic Society
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