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What Would Greta Do? Summersdale Publishers

What Would Greta Do? von Summersdale Publishers

What Would Greta Do? Summersdale Publishers

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From your first steps toward living sustainably all the way to going zero-waste, this book is here to help you find solutions to all your climate conundrums by taking inspiration from a true eco-warrior.

If we each approach the climate emergency in the same way as Greta, we can all live a planet-friendly life and enjoy a brighter future.

What Would Greta Do? Zusammenfassung

What Would Greta Do?: An Unofficial Pocket Guide to Help Answer Your Climate Questions Summersdale Publishers

There are so many important decisions to make about how we must adapt our lifestyles to reverse climate change, but where do we start?

From your first steps toward living sustainably all the way to going zero-waste, this book is here to help you find solutions to all your climate conundrums by taking inspiration from a true eco-warrior.

If we each approach the climate emergency in the same way as Greta, we can all live a planet-friendly life and enjoy a brighter future.

Zusätzliche Informationen

What Would Greta Do?: An Unofficial Pocket Guide to Help Answer Your Climate Questions Summersdale Publishers
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Summersdale Publishers
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