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TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2A Second Edition Thomas Strang

TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2A Second Edition von Thomas Strang

TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2A Second Edition Thomas Strang

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Trust TeeJay's proven approach, which successfully develops mathematical skills and adds fun to learning.

TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2A Second Edition Zusammenfassung

TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2A Second Edition Thomas Strang

Trust TeeJay's proven approach, which successfully develops mathematical skills and adds fun to learning.

Completely updated in line with the latest CfE requirements, this new edition Second Level Maths textbook provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.

- Confidently deliver a comprehensive and consistent curriculum, with one book available for each year of Second Level and content matched to the CfE benchmarks
- Brush up on past teaching with the exercises in Chapter 0, which revise key skills from First Level
- Engage students with varied exercises and opportunities for play-based learning
- Help students of all abilities progress at their own pace with tasks for differentiation flagged throughout
- Continuously build and consolidate knowledge and monitor progression with end-of-chapter 'Review Revisit, Revise' exercises
- Answers for the exercises are provided in the book

Zusätzliche Informationen

TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2A Second Edition Thomas Strang
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hodder Education
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