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Mindfulness in Early Years Yasmin Mukadam

Mindfulness in Early Years von Yasmin Mukadam

Mindfulness in Early Years Yasmin Mukadam

24,99 €
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This book is an accessible companion for all Early Years Practitioners to explore how mindfulness can be integrated into an Early Years learning environment. It presents topical theory and research, giving practical advice on using mindfulness as a pedagogical tool to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, families and staff members.

Mindfulness in Early Years Zusammenfassung

Mindfulness in Early Years: Strategies and Approaches to Nurturing Young Minds Yasmin Mukadam

This book is an accessible companion for all early years practitioners to explore how mindfulness can be integrated into an early years learning environment. It presents topical theory and research, giving practical advice on using mindfulness as an everyday pedagogical tool to improve the emotional wellbeing of children, families and staff members.

Providing a step-by-step approach for adopting mindfulness practices, the book offers photocopiable resources, information on mindfulness techniques and opportunities for critical reflection to help create a 'mindful early years curriculum'. Chapters follows the four pillars of Calm, Acceptance, Relational Approach and Empathy, and include:

  • The benefits of adopting a mindful approach in the early years
  • The importance of staff wellbeing
  • A template mindful curriculum for practitioners to adapt and use
  • Case studies of effective mindful practices
  • Resources, activities and techniques to create your own mindfulness toolkit

This delightful book will be a source of inspiration for early years practitioners, early years teachers and those who are interested in introducing and embedding mindfulness into early years practice.

Mindfulness in Early Years Bewertungen

''Mindfulness in the Early Years' will challenge practitioners thinking and provide positive change for both young children and those working in the early years sector. Yasmin Mukadam uses fresh innovative ways to demonstrate how we can best support children's mental health and well-being through mindfulness. This inspiring book also recognises current challenges teachers and practitioners face and provides invaluable strategies to overcome these. There could be no better time than present for this essential read, I highly recommend this book for all those who are studying or caring for young children within an Early Years setting.'

Claire Deadman, Nursery Manager

'This comprehensive guide provides invaluable insights and practical strategies for integrating mindfulness into the early years learning environment. With a strong foundation in research evidence and pedagogical approaches, Yasmin empowers educators to support children's mental health and well-being through reflective tasks, activities, and case studies. The book not only emphasises the importance of mindfulness for children but also highlights the significance of cultivating mindfulness in educators themselves. It is a must-have resource for early years degree students, practitioners, and teachers striving to create emotionally literate and mindful learning environments. I highly recommend this book to all early years professionals.'

Debra Corboy - Senior Lecturer, Morley College London

'It is refreshing, after working with children for over 30 years, to read a book that finally emphasises the impact an EYP/EYT can have on a child if their own mental health is not secure. The Pandemic left behind a huge MH Legacy, not just for the children, and this book can support the staff to acknowledge this, as well as offering practical support through personal mindfulness activities. This book is essential in supporting the children you care for, to understand the need for daily mindfulness, and to enable them to have a happy and healthy environment.'

Helen Sachania - External Quality Assurer (Health, Childcare and Education)

'This highly accessible guide is a must-read for early years practitioners who wish to introduce and embed mindfulness in their settings. The author presents a compelling rationale as to why mindfulness should be at the heart of enabling children and practitioners alike to understand and manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviour as part of effective early years practice.

Replete with simple explanations, robust evidence base and activity ideas, the author takes the reader on an engaging journey of mindfulness, from its origins to the future vision of mindfulness in early years.

The activities and real-life case studies are directly linked to the EYFS areas of learning and development, alongside mindfulness for staff wellbeing, which is as refreshing as it is critical - particularly post-pandemic and all the stressors that adversely affect mental health of children and adults alike.

This book should be an essential part of every early years practitioner's mindfulness toolkit!'

Dr Mine Conkbayir, award-winning early years author, trainer and researcher.

Über Yasmin Mukadam

Yasmin Mukadam is an Author, Teacher, Further Education Lecturer and Consultant in the field of Early Years. As an advisor for under 5s health and researcher in mindfulness, she works with early years settings and the health sector to promote children's mental health and wellbeing. She continues to teach early years courses and qualifications including neuroscience, emotional literacy, child development, yoga and mindfulness.


Book Introduction

Chapter 1 Introducing Mindfulness into Early Years
Chapter 2 The Mindful Pedagogy
Chapter 3 Developing Mindful Environments in Early Years
Chapter 4 Mindfulness for Staff Wellbeing
Chapter 5 Mindfulness Activities for Children in Early Years
Chapter 6 The Future Vision of Mindfulness in Early Years

Zusätzliche Informationen

Mindfulness in Early Years: Strategies and Approaches to Nurturing Young Minds Yasmin Mukadam
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Taylor & Francis Ltd
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