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Forgotten Women: The Leaders Zing Tsjeng

Forgotten Women: The Leaders von Zing Tsjeng

Forgotten Women: The Leaders Zing Tsjeng

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The 48 influential and rebellious female leaders that history should never have forgotten.

Forgotten Women: The Leaders Zusammenfassung

Forgotten Women: The Leaders Zing Tsjeng

Selected for the Evening Standard present gift guide of the year

'To say this series is empowering doesn't do it justice. Buy a copy for your daughters, sisters, mums, aunts and nieces - just make sure you buy a copy for your sons, brothers, dads, uncles and nephews, too.' - indy100

'Here's to no more forgotten women.' Evening Standard

The women who shaped and were erased from our history.

The Forgotten Women series will uncover the lost histories of the influential women who have refused over hundreds of years to accept the hand they've been dealt and, as a result, have formed, shaped and changed the course of our futures.

The Leaders weaves together 48* unforgettable portraits of the true pioneers and leaders who made huge yet unacknowledged contributions to history, including:

  • Grace O'Malley, the 16th century Irish pirate queen
  • Sylvia Rivera, who spearheaded the modern transgender rights movement
  • Agent 355, the unknown rebel spy who played a pivotal role in the American Revolution
  • Noor Inayat Khan, who went undercover to spy for the French Resistance and became Nazi enemy no. 1
  • Amina of Zazzau, the formidable ancient Muslim warrior queen of Northern Nigeria

Chapters including Rebels; Warriors; Rulers; Activists and Reformers shine a spotlight on the rebellious women who defied the odds, and the opposition, to change the world around them.

*The number of Nobel-prize-winning women.

Über Zing Tsjeng

Zing Tsjeng is the UK Editor of VICE.com's female-vertical Broadly. The channel focuses on women's issues and has been hailed as the 'slickest feminist platform around'. Zing has also become a spokesperson for millennial women, debating at Telegraph Women events, twice appearing on BBC Radio 4's Late Night Woman's Hour and writing for Dazed, the Guardian and Broadly.

is the first open directory of female professional illustrators from around the world. It has been featured in Vogue and on the Huffington Post.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Forgotten Women: The Leaders Zing Tsjeng
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Octopus Publishing Group
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