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WPF 4 Unleashed Adam Nathan

WPF 4 Unleashed By Adam Nathan

WPF 4 Unleashed by Adam Nathan

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WPF 4 Unleashed Summary

WPF 4 Unleashed by Adam Nathan

The #1 WPF Book--Now Updated for WPF 4!

Full Color: Code samples appear as they do in Visual Studio!

Thorough, authoritative coverage, practical examples, clear writing, and full-color presentation make this one of the most widely acclaimed programming books of the last decade.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is the recommended technology for creating Windows user interfaces, giving you the power to create richer and more compelling applications than you dreamed possible. Whether you want to develop traditional user interfaces or integrate 3D graphics, audio/video, animation, dynamic skinning, multi-touch, rich document support, speech recognition, or more, WPF enables you to do so in a seamless, resolution-independent manner. WPF 4 Unleashed is the authoritative book that covers it all, in a practical and approachable fashion, authored by WPF guru and Microsoft developer Adam Nathan.

  • Covers everything you need to know about Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
  • Examines the WPF feature areas in incredible depth: controls, layout, resources, data binding, styling, graphics, animation, and more
  • Highlights the latest features, such as multi-touch, text rendering improvements, XAML language enhancements, new controls, the Visual State Manager, easing functions, and much more
  • Delves into topics that aren't covered by most books: 3D, speech, audio/video, documents, effects
  • Shows how to create popular UI elements, such as Galleries, ScreenTips, and more
  • Demonstrates how to create sophisticated UI mechanisms, such as Visual Studio-like collapsible/dockable panes
  • Explains how to create first-class custom controls for WPF
  • Demonstrates how to create hybrid WPF software that leverages Windows Forms, DirectX, ActiveX, or other non-WPF technologies
  • Explains how to exploit new Windows 7 features, such as Jump Lists and taskbar customizations

About Adam Nathan

Adam Nathan is a principal software development engineer for Microsoft Visual Studio, the latest version of which has been transformed into a first-class WPF application. Adam was previously the founding developer and architect for Popfly, Microsoft's first product built on Silverlight, named one of the 25 most innovative products of 2007 by PCWorld Magazine. Having started his career on Microsoft's Common Language Runtime team, Adam has been at the core of .NET and WPF technologies since the very beginning.

Adam's books have been considered required reading by many inside Microsoft and throughout the industry. He is the author of the best-selling WPF Unleashed (Sams, 2006) that was nominated for a 2008 Jolt Award, Silverlight 1.0 Unleashed (Sams, 2008), and .NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide (Sams, 2002); a coauthor of ASP.NET: Tips, Tutorials, and Code (Sams, 2001); and a contributor to books including .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference, Volume 2 (Addison-Wesley, 2005) and Windows Developer Power Tools (O'Reilly, 2006). Adam is also the creator of PINVOKE.NET and its Visual Studio add-in. You can find him online at, or @adamnathan on Twitter.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Who Should Read This Book? 2

Software Requirements 3

Code Examples 4

How This Book Is Organized 4

Part I: Background 4

Part II: Building a WPF Application 4

Part III: Controls 5

Part IV: Features for Professional Developers 5

Part V: Rich Media 5

Part VI: Advanced Topics 6

Conventions Used in This Book 6

Part I Background

Chapter 1: Why WPF, and What About Silverlight? 9

A Look at the Past 10

Enter WPF 11

The Evolution of WPF 14

Enhancements in WPF 3.5 and WPF 3.5 SP1 15

Enhancements in WPF 4 16

What About Silverlight? 18

Summary 19

Chapter 2: XAML Demystified 21

XAML Defined 23

Elements and Attributes 24

Namespaces 26

Property Elements 29

Type Converters 30

Markup Extensions 32

Children of Object Elements . 35

The Content Property 35

Collection Items 36

More Type Conversion 38

Mixing XAML with Procedural Code 40

Loading and Parsing XAML at Runtime 40

Compiling XAML 43

Introducing XAML2009 48

Full Generics Support 49

Dictionary Keys of Any Type 50

Built-In System Data Types 50

Instantiating Objects with Non-Default Constructors 51

Getting Instances via Factory Methods 51

Event Handler Flexibility 52

Defining New Properties 53

Fun with XAML Readers and Writers 53

Overview 53

The Node Loop 56

Reading XAML 57

Writing to Live Objects 61

Writing to XML 63

XamlServices 64

XAML Keywords 67

Summary 70

Complaint 1: XML Is Too Verbose to Type 71

Complaint 2: XML-Based Systems Have Poor Performance 71

Chapter 3: WPF Fundamentals 73

A Tour of the Class Hierarchy 73

Logical and Visual Trees 75

Dependency Properties 80

A Dependency Property Implementation 81

Change Notification 83

Property Value Inheritance 85

Support for Multiple Providers 87

Attached Properties 89

Summary 93

Part II Building a WPF Application

Chapter 4: Sizing, Positioning, and Transforming Elements 97

Controlling Size 98

Height and Width 98

Margin and Padding 100

Visibility 102

Controlling Position 103

Alignment 103

Content Alignment 104

FlowDirection 105

Applying Transforms 106

RotateTransform 108

ScaleTransform. 109

SkewTransform. 112

TranslateTransform 112

MatrixTransform 112

Combining Transforms 113

Summary 114

Chapter 5: Layout with Panels 115

Canvas 116

StackPanel 118

WrapPanel 120

DockPanel 122

Grid 125

Sizing the Rows and Columns 130

Interactive Sizing with GridSplitter 132

Sharing Row and Column Sizes 134

Comparing Grid to Other Panels 136

Primitive Panels 137

TabPanel 137

ToolBarPanel 138

ToolBarOverflowPanel 138

ToolBarTray . 138

UniformGrid. 138

SelectiveScrollingGrid. 138

Handling Content Overflow 139

Clipping 139

Scrolling 141

Scaling 143

Putting It All Together: Creating a Visual Studio-Like Collapsible, Dockable, Resizable Pane 147

Summary 157

Chapter 6: Input Events: Keyboard, Mouse, Stylus, and Multi-Touch 159

Routed Events 159

A Routed Event Implementation 160

Routing Strategies and Event Handlers 161

Routed Events in Action 162

Attached Events 165

Keyboard Events 168

Mouse Events 170

MouseEventArgs 171

Drag and Drop 172

Capturing the Mouse 173

Stylus Events 174

StylusDevice 174

Events 175

Multi-Touch Events 176

Basic Touch Events 177

Manipulation Events for Panning, Rotating, and Zooming 180

Commands 188

Built-In Commands 189

Executing Commands with Input Gestures 192

Controls with Built-In Command Bindings 193

Summary 194

Chapter 7: Structuring and Deploying an Application 195

Standard Windows Applications 195

The Window Class 196

The Application Class 199

Showing a Splash Screen 205

Creating and Showing Dialogs 206

Persisting and Restoring Application State 209

Deployment: ClickOnce Versus Windows Installer 210

Navigation-Based Windows Applications 211

Pages and Their Navigation Containers 212

Navigating from Page to Page 214

Passing Data Between Pages 219

Gadget-Style Applications 223

XAML Browser Applications 224

Limited Feature Set 226

Integrated Navigation 228

Deployment 229

Loose XAML Pages 231

Summary 232

Chapter 8: Exploiting Windows 7 233

Jump Lists 233

JumpTask 234

JumpPath 241

Taskbar Item Customizations 245

Using a Taskbar Item Progress Bar 246

Adding an Overlay to the Taskbar Item 247

Customizing the Thumbnail Content 247

Adding Thumb Buttons to the Taskbar Thumbnail 248

Aero Glass 249

TaskDialog 253

Summary 256

Part III Controls

Chapter 9: Content Controls 261

Buttons 263

Button 264

RepeatButton 265

ToggleButton 265

CheckBox 266

RadioButton 266

Simple Containers 268

Label 268

ToolTip 269

Frame 271

Containers with Headers 272

GroupBox 273

Expander 273

Summary 274

Chapter 10: Items Controls 275

Common Functionality 276

DisplayMemberPath 277

ItemsPanel 278

Controlling Scrolling Behavior 280

Selectors 281

ComboBox 282

ListBox 287

ListView 290

TabControl 291

DataGrid 292

Menus 298

Menu 298

ContextMenu 301

Other Items Controls 302

TreeView 302

ToolBar 304

StatusBar 307

Summary 308

Chapter 11: Images, Text, and Other Controls 309

The Image Control 309

Text and Ink Controls 311

TextBlock 313

TextBox 315

RichTextBox 316

PasswordBox 316

InkCanvas 316

Documents 318

Creating Flow Documents 318

Displaying Flow Documents 329

Adding Annotations 331

Range Controls 334

ProgressBar 335

Slider 335

Calendar Controls 336

Calendar 336

DatePicker 338

Summary 339

Part IV Features for Professional Developers

Chapter 12: Resources 343

Binary Resources 343

Defining Binary Resources 344

Accessing Binary Resources 345

Localizing Binary Resources 350

Logical Resources 351

Resource Lookup 355

Static Versus Dynamic Resources 355

Interaction with System Resources 360

Summary 362

Chapter 13: Data Binding 363

Introducing the Binding Object 363

Using Binding in Procedural Code 363

Using Binding in XAML 365

Binding to Plain .NET Properties 367

Binding to an Entire Object 369

Binding to a Collection 370

Sharing the Source with DataContext 374

Controlling Rendering 375

String Formatting 375

Using Data Templates 378

Using Value Converters 381

Customizing the View of a Collection 386

Sorting 386

Grouping 388

Filtering 392

Navigating 392

Working with Additional Views 394

Data Providers 396

XmlDataProvider 397

ObjectDataProvider 401

Advanced Topics 403

Customizing the Data Flow 403

Adding Validation Rules to Binding 405

Working with Disjoint Sources 409

Putting It All Together: The Pure-XAML Twitter Client 412

Summary 414

Chapter 14: Styles, Templates, Skins, and Themes 415

Styles 416

Sharing Styles 418

Triggers 423

Templates 430

Introducing Control Templates 431

Getting Interactivity with Triggers 432

Restricting the Target Type 434

Respecting the Templated Parent's Properties 435

Respecting Visual States with Triggers 442

Respecting Visual States with the Visual State Manager (VSM) 447

Mixing Templates with Styles 456

Skins 458

Themes 465

Using System Colors, Fonts, and Parameters 465

Per-Theme Styles and Templates 466

Summary 470

Part V Rich Media

Chapter 15: 2D Graphics 475

Drawings 476

Geometries 479

Pens 489

Clip Art Example 491

Visuals 493

Filling a DrawingVisual with Content 493

Displaying a Visual on the Screen 496

Visual Hit Testing 499

Shapes 505

Rectangle 507

Ellipse 508

Line 509

Polyline 510

Polygon 511

Path 511

Clip Art Based on Shapes 512

Brushes 513

Color Brushes 513

Tile Brushes 520

Brushes as Opacity Masks 527

Effects 529

Improving Rendering Performance 532

RenderTargetBitmap 532

BitmapCache 533

BitmapCacheBrush 535

Summary 535

Chapter 16: 3D Graphics 537

Getting Started with 3D Graphics 538

Cameras and Coordinate Systems 542

Position 543

LookDirection 544

UpDirection 548

OrthographicCamera Versus PerspectiveCamera 551

Transform3D 554

TranslateTransform3D 556

ScaleTransform3D 557

RotateTransform3D 559

Combining Transform3Ds 562

Model3D 563

Lights 563

GeometryModel3D 571

Model3DGroup 584

Visual3D 586

ModelVisual3D 587

UIElement3D 588

Viewport2DVisual3D 590

3D Hit Testing 592

Viewport3D 593

2D and 3D Coordinate System Transformation 596

Visual.TransformToAncestor 596

Visual3D.TransformToAncestor and Visual3D.TransformToDescendant 600

Summary 605

Chapter 17: Animation 607

Animations in Procedural Code 608

Performing Animation By Hand 608

Introducing the Animation Classes 609

Simple Animation Tweaks 616

Animations in XAML 621

EventTriggers Containing Storyboards 621

Using Storyboard as a Timeline 629

Keyframe Animations 630

Linear Keyframes 631

Spline Keyframes 633

Discrete Keyframes 634

Easing Keyframes 636

Easing Functions 637

Built-In Power Easing Functions 637

Other Built-In Easing Functions 639

Writing Your Own Easing Function 640

Animations and the Visual State Manager 643

Transitions 647

Summary 651

Chapter 18: Audio, Video, and Speech 653

Audio 653

SoundPlayer 654

SoundPlayerAction 654

MediaPlayer 655

MediaElement and MediaTimeline 656

Video 658

Controlling the Visual Aspects of MediaElement 658

Controlling the Underlying Media 661

Speech 664

Speech Synthesis 664

Speech Recognition 667

Summary 672

Part VI Advanced Topics

Chapter 19: Interoperability with Non-WPF Technologies 675

Embedding Win32 Controls in WPF Applications 677

A Win32 Webcam Control 678

Using the Webcam Control in WPF 681

Supporting Keyboard Navigation 687

Embedding WPF Controls in Win32 Applications 692

Introducing HwndSource 692

Getting the Right Layout 696

Embedding Windows Forms Controls in WPF Applications 699

Embedding a PropertyGrid with Procedural Code 700

Embedding a PropertyGrid with XAML 702

Embedding WPF Controls in Windows Forms Applications 704

Mixing DirectX Content with WPF Content 708

Embedding ActiveX Controls in WPF Applications 714

Summary 718

Chapter 20: User Controls and Custom Controls 721

Creating a User Control 723

Creating the User Interface of the User Control 723

Creating the Behavior of the User Control 725

Adding Dependency Properties to the User Control 728

Adding Routed Events to the User Control 731

Creating a Custom Control 732

Creating the Behavior of the Custom Control 733

Creating the User Interface of the Custom Control 739

Considerations for More Sophisticated Controls 743

Summary 750

Chapter 21: Layout with Custom Panels 751

Communication Between Parents and Children 752

The Measure Step 752

The Arrange Step 754

Creating a SimpleCanvas 755

Creating a SimpleStackPanel 760

Creating an OverlapPanel 763

Creating a FanCanvas 768

Summary 773

Index 775

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WPF 4 Unleashed by Adam Nathan
Used - Very Good
Pearson Education (US)
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