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Strong Measures Philip Dacey

Strong Measures By Philip Dacey

Strong Measures by Philip Dacey

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Strong Measures Summary

Strong Measures: Contemporary American Poetry In Traditional Form by Philip Dacey

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Table of Contents

Introduction by P. Dacey and D. Jauss.

The Poems: The Blue Animals, J. Anderson.

Some Trees, Pantoum, Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape, J. Ashbery.

Ice River, D. Baker.

From The Escape Into You, Obsessive, M. Bell.

The True Story of Snow White, B. Bennett.

From The Dream Songs, 29 (There sat down, once), He Resigns, The Poet's Final Instructions, J. Berryman.

Is It Well-Lighted, Papa? J. Bertram.

Sestina, The Armadillo, One Art, E. Bishop.

Ballade of the Back Road, R. Block.

First Lesson, P. Booth.

Song of the Darkness, J. Bricuth.

Lying on a Bridge, The Sea Birds, V. K. Block.

We Real Cool, The Rites for Cousin Vit, G. Brooks.

The Wife of Winter's Tale, M. D. Browne.

Havanna Blues, H. Carlile.

Loneliness: An Outburst of Hexasyllables, from The Asylum, II (Winds; words of the wind:). Late Sonnet, H. Carruth.

Links, T. Cassity.

Rimbaud Fire Letter to Jim Applewhite. My Grandfather's Church Goes Up, F. Chappell.

A Scientific Expedition in Siberia, 1913, K. Cherry.

At My Father's Grave, J. Ciardi.

The Kingfisher, A. Clampitt.

The Story We Know, M. Collins.

Naked Poetry, P. Cooley.

The Faithful, ln the Last Few Moments Came the Old German Cleaning Woman, P. Cooley.

The Tortoise, C. Corman.

Remembering Mykinai, A. Corn.

Body Fished from the Seine, G. Corso.

Oh No, A Wicker Basket, If You, Ballad of the Despairing Husband, R. Creeley.

The Aged Lover Discourses in the Flat Style, for My Contemporaries. Epitaph for Someone or Other, J. V. Cunningham.

Jack. Afterwards, Jill, Afterwards, P. Dacey.

Lost Moments, The Burial, Rondel G. Davis.

The Compound Eye, P. Davison.

On the Hill Below the Lighthouse, The Island, Breath, Dickey.

The Rapist's Villanelle, T. M. Disch.

Elegy for a Puritan Conscience, Poem, A. Dugan.

Tangier, S. Dunn.

The Homer Mitchell Place, J. Engels.

L'Art, F. Feirstein.

Tiresias, G. Garrett.

Meeting My Best Friend from the Eighth Grade, from Letters from Vicksburg, XII (Dear wife and bosom friend), G. Gildner.

Father Death Blues, A. Ginsberg.

Bridal Piece, The Racer's Widow, Phenomenal Survivals of Death in Nantucket, L. Gluck.

Wise Owl, P. Goedicke.

Joe Gillon Hypnotizes His Son, The Psychonaut Sonnets: Jones, A. Goldbarth.

The Faithful Wife, B. L. Greenberg.

Villanelle, Canzone, Sonnet Ending with a Film Subtitle, Rondeau After a Transatlantic Telephone Call, M. Hacker.

My Son, My Executioner, The Long River, D. Hall.

John Clare, M. Halperin.

The Man in the Recreation Room, E. Harkness.

Double Mock Sonnet, A Little Song, C. O. Hartman.

Why That's Bob Hope, W. Hathaway.

The Ballad of Nat Turner, R. Hayden.

The End of the Week-end, More Light! More Light!Double Sonnet, A. Hecht.

Daffodils, A Colloquy of Silences, M. Hefferman.

I Remember the Room was Filled with Light, J. Hemschemeyer.

Arrows, Riddle, W. Heyen.

At Kresge's Diner in Stonefalls, Arkansas, E. Hirsch.

In the Days of Rin-Tin-Tin, D. Hoffman.

From Sonnets for Roseblush, 18 (Why Drink, Why Touch You Now?), J. Hollander.

Lament for Turlough O'Carolan, D. B. Hopes.

The Diver, B. Howard.

Personal Values, R. Howard.

A Rune for C., Early Supper, Death of a Vermont Farm Woman, B. Howes.

Although I Remember the Sound, R. Huff.

The Way a Ghost Dissolves, The Church on Comiaken Hill, The Freaks at Spurgin Road Field, R. Hugo.

The Rural Carrier Stops to Kill a Nine-Foot Cottonmouth, T. R. Hummer.

Mummy of a Lady Named Jemutesonekh, XXI Dynasty, Snakebite, T. James.

Eighth Air Force, A Camp in the Prussian Forest, R. Jarrell.

This Fall, D. Jauss.

Eve: Night Thoughts, J. Jerome.

Passengers, Sway, D. Johnson.

Sunflower Sonnet Number One, Sunflower Sonnet Number Two, J. Jordan.

First Death, Sestina: Here in Katmandu, Women in Love, The Thin Man, In The Attic, D. Justice.

Elegy for My Mother, R. Katrovas.

American Falls, G. Keeler.

For My Daughter, from Five Villanelles, 1 (The Crack is Moving Down the Wall), W. Kees.

Nude Descending a Staircase, Rondel, Nothing in Heaven Functions as It Ought, X. J. Kennedy.

For William Carlos Williams, To Christ Our Lord, The Fundamental Project of Technology, G. Kinnell.

Ellie Mae Leaves in a Hurry. E. Bottle, P. Klappert.


Anniversary, Wild Pigs, Beer Bottle, T. Kooser.

Sestina, J. Kroll.

Morning Swim, January 25th, M. Kumin.

Three Floors, An Old Cracked Tune, S. Kunitz.

By the Beautiful Ohio, J. Labombard.

Conversations from Childhood: The Victrola, J. Langland.

Issues of the Fall, There Should Have Been, The Floating Candles: For My Brother Mahlon (1944-1980), S. Lea.

Beside My Grandmother, A. Lee.

Emily Dickinson's Sestina for Molly Bloom, B. Lefcowitz.

Towards the Vanishing Point, D. Lehman.

A Quilled Quilt, a Needle Bed, B. Leithauser.

Bedtime, Obsessions, D. Levertov.

Animals Are Passing from Our Lives, Night Thoughts Over a Sick Child, For Fran, P. Levine.

Shore Scene, To a Young Poet Who Fled, J. Logan.

Tatiana Kalatschova, W. Logan.

Mr. Edwards and the Spider, ln the Cage, Water, R. Lowell.

All the Slaves, T. Lux.

Sharks at the New York Aquarium, Signs, C. Martin.

A Blessing, M. McBride.

The End of the World, T. McGrath.

Lament, with Flesh and Blood, Triolet, S. McPherson.

Atomic Pantoum, P. Meinke.

Effort at Speech, W. Meredith.

A Renewal, Mirror, Swimming by Night, J. Merrill.

The Drunk in the Furnace, Grandfather in the Old Men's Home River Sound Reme mbered, W. S. Merwin.

My Mother, R. Meezy.

Time; Or, How the Line About Chagall's Lovers Disappears, J. Miller.

Without Ceremony, V. Miller.

Horse Chestnut, Love Poem, The Magician, G. Miranda.

Now or Never, Mezzo Cammin, Twinings Orange Pekoe, J. Moffett.

Comparatives, N. S. Momaday.

Friends, R. Moore.

Chant Royal, R. Morgan.

Finding Them Lost, To the Islands, H. Moss.

Prayer, S. Moss.

A Primer of the Daily Round, The Goose Fish, Brainstorm, H. Nemerov.

Love and Death, J. F. Nims.

To the Poem, Poem, You are Gorgeous and I'm Coming, Aubade, F. O'Hara.

A Manifesto for the Faint-Hearted, C. Otes.

The Boat, Cleaning the Fish, R. Pack.

Just About Asleep Together, M. Peacock.

Rowing Early, In Front of a Japanese Photograph, J. Peck.

Memorial, Icicles, R. Pinsky.

Watercolor of Grantchester Meadows, Medallion, The Stones, Black Rook in Rainy Weather, S. Plath.

Tree Ferns, S. Plumly.

Ballet Blanc, Of the Scythians, K. Pollitt.

Southern Road, D. Randall.

Throwing the Racetrack Cats at Saratoga, D. Ray.

Belfast, ln Lombardy, D. Revell.

At a Bach Concert, The Insusceptibles, Aunt Jennifer's Tigers, A. Rich.

Another Easter, J. Ridland.

Nani, A. Rios.

The Waking, My Papa's Waltz, I Knew a Woman, Dinky, T. Roethke.

A Natural History of Dragons and Unicorns My Daughter and I Have Known, KRAA, W. P. Root.

Campfire extinguished, R. Roseliep.

To the Swallows of Viterbo, Watching You Sleep Under Monet's Water-Lilies, G. Ruark.

On the Death of Her Mother, Rune, M. Rukeyser.

Consider a Move, Where I'll Be Good, M. Ryan.

The Breakdown, S. Santos.

Dutch Interior, M. Sarton.

The Gap in the Cedar, R. Scheele.

How Did It Seem to Sylvia?, The Paperweight, Darwin in 1881, G. Schnackenberg.

The Moss of His Skin, The Abortion, A. Sexton.

The First Time, K. Shapiro.

The Spoilers and the Spoils, Ballade of the Grindstones, J. J. Sherwin.

My Father in the Night Commanding No, The Man Who Married Magdalene, The Boarder, To the Western World, L. Simpson.

December 27, 1966, L. E. Sissman.

Imagine Grass, K. Skinner.

My Daughter Considers Her Body, F. Skloot.

In Memory of W. H. Auden, Another Letter to Lord Byron, D. R. Slavitt.

The Old Whore Speaks to a Young Poet, Chopping Wood, The Ancestor, The Collector of the Sun, D. Smith.

Song, from Heart's Needle, 10 (The Vicious Winter Finally Yields), A Visitation, A Flat One, W. D. Snodgrass.

From Hitch Haiku, They didn't Hire Him. The Riverside Line, October, G. Snyder.

Acadian Lane, D. St. John.

Traveling Through the Dark, The Swerve, Friend Who Never Came, Glances, Winterward, W. Stafford.

Childhood, Good People, M. Stanton.

Double Semi-Sestina, G. Starbuck.

Sapphics Against Anger, T. Steele.

Valley Blood, B. Sternlieb.

Punk Pantoum, P. Stewart.

East Texas, The Lover Remembereth Such as He Sometimes Enjoyed and Showeth How He Would Like to Enjoy Her Again, To His Book, L. Stokesbury.

Sleeping with One Eye Open, M. Strand.

Practice, Discovering My Daughter, D. Stuart.

Swedish Lesson, Shoe Shop, B. Sutter.

Question, M. Swenson.

The Line-Up, J. Swift.

The Book of Lies, Miss Cho Composes in the Cafeteria, J. Tate.

From Bordello, Simon Judson, Rick de Travaille, The Wind Carol, L. Turco.

Ex-Basketball Player, J. Updike.

Causes, The Ballad of Blossom, Economics, M. Van Doyn.

The Wife Takes a Child, Tropics, E. B. Voight.

The Shooting of John Dillinger Outside the Biograph Theater, July 22, 1934, Staying Alive, Canticle for Xmas Eve, D. Wagoner.

Sestina to the Common Glass of Beer: I Do Not Drink Beer, D. Wakoski.

Grandmother Grace, R. Wallace.

Blackbird Sestina, C. Warne.

Original Sin: A Short Story, What Voice at Moth-Hour, R. P. Warren.

Visionary Oklahoma Sunday Beer, The Flood Viewed by the Tourist from Iowa, J. Whitehead.

Junk, Piazza di Spagna, Early Morning, A Late Aubade, Year's End, R. Wilbur.

Why God Permits Evil: For Answers to This Question of Interest to Many Write Bible Answers Dept. E7, Rubaiyat for Sue Ella Tucker, For Victor Jara, M. Williams.

Dream, First Photos of Flu Virus, H. Witt.

Floating Houses, D. Wojahn.

Heaven In Ordinarie, D. Wolff.

Private, B. Wormser.

The Daughters of Blum, C. Wright.

Speak, A Song for the Middle of the Night, Saint Judas, With the Shell of a Hermit Crab, Your Name in Arezzo, J. Wright.

Young, Lester Leaps In, A. Young.

Still, L. Zeidner.

A Zimmershire Lad, P. Zimmer.

Appendix A: Meter and Scansion.

Appendix B: Definition of Forms and Classification of Poems (Listed by Form).

Appendix C: Classification of Poems (Listed by Author).

Appendix D: Selected Bibliography of Books and Articles about Traditional Forms and Prosody.

Additional information

Strong Measures: Contemporary American Poetry In Traditional Form by Philip Dacey
Used - Very Good
Pearson Education (US)
Book picture is for illustrative purposes only, actual binding, cover or edition may vary.
This is a used book - there is no escaping the fact it has been read by someone else and it will show signs of wear and previous use. Overall we expect it to be in very good condition, but if you are not entirely satisfied please get in touch with us

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