Rules that govern the everyday world are suspended in this fast-paced sci-fi adventure, the sequel to Meteorite Strike...The plot is highly inventive, creating a parallel universe in which supernatural techniques and gadgetry prevail. As in a video game, obstacles abound and must be tackled, while escape and chase sequences follow fast and furious, exploding in all directions. As is often the case with the sci-fi genre, the story has no quiet moments, nor character development; but it has much to entice young readers who relish the thrills and spills of an action-packed adventure. * Books for Keeps *
An excellent sequel worthy of its place in the Superhuman series and it had big shoes to fill after the masterpiece that is Meteorite Strike. A very uncertain ending in the part with Major Bright that really hangs the whole thing up in the air again. The Verdict: Easy to read, well developed plot, excellent ending, very in depth. SCORE : 9.2 * Teenage Kickz *
Events in Meteorite Strike had brilliant twists - and the ones in Alien Storm are at just a high intensity, perhaps even more so. Honestly this books reads like an exciting anime series. There is a lot of drama, with several chapters having cliff hanger endings. I liked how new characters mixed in with the old ones... Alien Storm is an emotionally and physically turbulent book, capturing all the reader's emotions. * Nayu's Reading Corner *
Superb sci-fi adventure for young readers * Lancashire Evening News *
This top-class adventure story... thrusts us into an eerie and exciting dystopian world which is teetering on the edge of anarchy after a meteorite strike. Taylor's brilliant sci-fi adventure has all the visual impact of a 3D film...a band of entertaining and quirky young heroes, truly scary baddies, sparkling dialogue and action sequences that keep the pages turning and the heart pounding. And the good news for us all is that Alien Storm is not the end of the story - a third instalment will hit the shelves later this year. * The Lancashire Evening Post *
This book is a brilliantly stunning sci-fi from beginning to end... A definite must-read! * Teen Titles *
This book is brilliantly stunning sci-fi from the beginning to end. It boasts brilliant characters, amazing plots with plenty of twists and exceptional settings, along with a fantastic cliff-hanger... A definite must-read. * Josh Blyth (Holy Rood High) for Teen Titles magazine *
This books reads like an exciting anime series. * Nayu's Reading Corner *
This novel was exciting and remained so throughout. It strong characters were of both genders which give it a wide appeal. The author had the ability to give some of the robots human qualities which was quite endearing... a great story line, plenty of action with the sci-fi input of the super powers. * Susan K Mann *