In Our Time: The World As Seen by Magnum Photographers by American Federation of Arts
From the grandly historic to the poignantly human, from battlefield violence to the gentle pleasures of peace, In Our Time captures the past fifty years of the world in over three hundred memorable photographs, including many in color.As the distinguished historian William Manchester explains in his provocative text, the book is a distinctive blend of reporting and art that inevitably engages the heart and mind of the viewer.
Each picture is a comment upon our experience of the twentieth century.The photographers represented here all belong to Magnum, a collective founded in 1947 to give photojournalists artistic freedom and control over the rights to their work.
Magnum's archives are a repository of the masterpieces of photography of the past half-century.Not since the landmark photographic exhibition The Family of Man have so many brilliant photographs documented such a range of human experience.
Each picture is a comment upon our experience of the twentieth century.The photographers represented here all belong to Magnum, a collective founded in 1947 to give photojournalists artistic freedom and control over the rights to their work.
Magnum's archives are a repository of the masterpieces of photography of the past half-century.Not since the landmark photographic exhibition The Family of Man have so many brilliant photographs documented such a range of human experience.