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C mo se dice...?, International Edition Ana Jarvis (Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Emerita)

C mo se dice...?, International Edition By Ana Jarvis (Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Emerita)

C mo se dice...?, International Edition by Ana Jarvis (Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Emerita)

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C mo se dice...?, International Edition Summary

C mo se dice...?, International Edition by Ana Jarvis (Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Emerita)

C MO SE DICE . . . ? 10E, International Edition has proven itself as the most solid, reliable, full-scope introductory Spanish program in the market. Its solid four-skills methodology, unparalleled grammar explanations, flexibility, and ease-of-use have been some of the main reasons for the program's success with students and longevity in the language classroom. C MO SE DICE . . . ? 10E, International Edition features all new chapter dialogues, student centered activities, updated vocabulary and cultural information, additional literary readings, and a technology package that includes iLrn: HEINLE Learning Center.

C mo se dice...?, International Edition Reviews

LECCION 1: Saludos y despedidas. Situaciones. Estudiantes y profesores. Vocabulario. greetings and farewells. introduce yourself. give and receive phone numbers. days of the week. dates. titles of courtesy. Pronunciacion. The Spanish a and e. Estructuras. The alphabet. Cardinal numbers 0-39. Colors. Days of the week. Months and seasons of the year. Subject pronouns. Present indicative of ser. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for the main idea. A conversar Speaking for basic communication. !Vamos a leer! Recognizing cognates. !Vamos a escribir! Generating ideas by brainstorming. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Los mexicoamericanos. Los Estados Unidos hispanicos y el espanol en el mundo. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 2: En la Universidad. Situaciones. Si necesitas ayuda ... Vocabulario. classroom. languages. useful questions and answers. some polite expressions. Pronunciacion. The Spanish i, o and u. Estructuras. Gender and number. Definite and indefinite articles. Cardinal numbers 31-100. Telling time. Present indicative of regular -ar verbs. Negative and interrogative sentences. Possession with de. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for specifics and guessing intelligently. A conversar Asking for repetition. !Vamos a leer! Guessing the meaning of unknown words. !Vamos a escribir! Conducting and reporting an interview. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Los cubanoamericanos. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 3: Por telefono. Situaciones. Dos companeros de cuarto ... Vocabulario. decribe people and activities. make and receive phone calls. personal information. Pronunciacion. Linking. Estructuras. Possessive adjectives. Cardinal numbers 101-1000. Descriptive adjectives: Forms, position, and agreement with articles and nouns. Present indicative of regular -er and -ir verbs. Present indicative of the irregular verbs tener and venir. The personal a. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Taking a phone call. A conversar Using stock phrases. !Vamos a leer! Activating background knowledge. !Vamos a escribir! Analyzing writing models. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Los puertorriquenos en los Estados Unidos. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 4: Costumbres y tradiciones. Situaciones. !Bienvenido! Vocabulario. weekend activities, and festivities. needs and preferences. states of mind. Pronunciacion. The Spanish b, v, d, and g (before a, o, or u). Estructuras. Pronouns as objects of prepositions. Contractions. Present indicative of the irregular verbs ir, dar, and estar. Ir a + infinitive. Present indicative of e:ie stem-changing verbs. Expressions with tener. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening to voice mail. A conversar Asking for additional information. !Vamos a leer! Identifying text formats. !Vamos a escribir! Writing an e-mail. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Mexico. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 5: Las comidas. Situaciones. 'Que comemos? Vocabulario. restaurants, menu. ordering meals. paying the bill. the weather. Pronunciacion. The Spanish p, t, c (in the combinations ca, co, cu), and q. Estructuras. Comparative forms. Irregular comparative forms. Present indicative of o:ue stem-changing verbs. Present progressive. Uses of ser and estar. Weather expressions. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for details I. A conversar Providing supporting details. !Vamos a leer! Expanding your vocabulary through reading. !Vamos a escribir! Solidifying and repurposing what you learn. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Guatemala. El Salvador. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 6: Los quehaceres de la casa. Situaciones. !Tocan a la puerta! Vocabulario. household chores. family relationships. parts of a house. Pronunciacion. The Spanish j, g (before e o i) y h. Estructuras. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Present indicative of e:i stem-changing verbs. Affirmative and negative expressions. Verbs with irregular first-person forms. Saber vs. conocer. Direct object pronouns. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for details II. A conversar Reporting. !Vamos a leer! Skimming. !Vamos a escribir! Sequencing steps for a recipe. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Honduras. Nicaragua. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 7: En un hotel. Situaciones. De vacaciones en Costa Rica. Vocabulario. checking in at a hotel. asking about accommodations. tourism. meal times. Pronunciacion. The Spanish ll and n. Estructuras. Indirect object pronouns. Constructions with gustar. Time expressions with hacer. Preterit of regular verbs. Ordinal numbers. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening to authentic language. A conversar Simplifying ideas through paraphrasing. !Vamos a leer! Guessing meaning from context. !Vamos a escribir! Summarizing and organizing. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Costa Rica. Panama. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 8: Haciendo diligencias. Situaciones. !Que supersticioso eres! Vocabulario. banking. running errands. type of flowers. Pronunciacion. The Spanish l, r, rr and z. Estructuras. Direct and indirect object pronouns used together. Preterit of ser, ir, and dar. Preterit of e:i and o:u stem-changing verbs. Uses of por and para. Formation of adverbs. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Guessing meaning from context. A conversar Paraphrasing practice I. !Vamos a leer! Rereading critically. !Vamos a escribir! Writing journal entries. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Puerto Rico. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 9: Preparativos para un fiesta. Situaciones. !Feliz aniversario! Vocabulario. shopping for groceries. preparing a meal. daily routines. musical instruments. Pronunciacion. Intonation. Estructuras. Reflexive constructions. Some uses of the definite article. Possessive pronouns. Irregular preterits. Hace... meaning ago. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Dealing with fast speech. A conversar Using pauses to manage conversation. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: La liebre y la tortuga by Esopo. Using prior knowledge to guess the meaning of new vocabulary. !Vamos a escribir! Sequencing steps for writing a didactic story. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Cuba. Republica Dominicana. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 10: Buscando apartamento. Situaciones. Dos amigos. Vocabulario. renting an apartment. parts of a house. home furniture and appliances. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The imperfect. The preterit contrasted with the imperfect. Verbs that change meaning in the preterit. The relative pronouns que and quien. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Training yourself to listen for units of meaning. A conversar Paraphrasing practice II. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Las sandias by Nellie Campobello (Mex.). Using your imagination to create contexts. !Vamos a escribir! Studying different styles. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Venezuela. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 11: En una agencia de Viajes. Situaciones. Planes para una luna de miel. Vocabulario. planning a taking a trip. at the airport, in the airplane. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The subjunctive mood. The subjunctive with verbs of volition. The subjunctive with verbs of emotion. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situation. A escuchar Recognizing linking or transition words. A conversar Using courtesy expressions and common phrases. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Sala de espera by Enrique Anderson-Imbert (Arg.). Predicting and anticipating. !Vamos a escribir! Assessing your needs as a writer. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Colombia. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 12: El automovil . Situaciones. Se venden coches usados. Vocabulario. automobiles. service station. road emergencies. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The Ud. and Uds. Commands. The subjunctive to express doubt, disbelief, and denial. Constructions with se. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Recognizing spatial markers. A conversar Paraphrasing practice III. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Leyenda by Jorge Luis Borges (Arg.). Using prior knowledge to predict and anticipate. !Vamos a escribir! Writing the text for a short speech. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Peru. Ecuador. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 13: En un centro comercial. Situaciones. Vamos de compras. Vocabulario. clothing. shopping. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The familiar commands (tu). 'Que? and 'cual? used with ser. The subjunctive to express indefiniteness and nonexistence. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for the order of events. A conversar Expressing ideas and opinions. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Meciendo y Piececitos by Gabriela Mistral. Reading poetry. !Vamos a escribir! Writing an advice column. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Chile. Ecuador. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 14: Las carreras universitarias. Situaciones. 'Que carrera me interesa? Vocabulario. college activities. careers. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The subjunctive or indicative after certain conjunctions. The past participle. The present perfect and the past perfect (pluperfect). Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Guessing meaning practice I. A conversar Paraphrasing practice IV. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Lecciones de ingles by German Ariniegas (Col.). Using your experience as a context. !Vamos a escribir! Writing about opinions or experiences. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Argentina. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 15: La salud. Situaciones. Sintomas. Vocabulario. health problems. parts of the body. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The future. The conditional. The future perfect and the conditional perfect. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Recognizing transitions. A conversar Practicing extended conversation. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Noche by Hugo Rodriguez-Alcala. Understanding poetic language and using the dictionary. !Vamos a escribir! Writing to describe. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Paraguay. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 16: Las actividades al aire libre. Situaciones. !Que se diviertan! Vocabulario. sports. outdoors activities. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The imperfect subjunctive. Some uses of the prepositions a, de, and en. The present perfect subjunctive. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Identifying word boundaries practice I. A conversar Transitioning between ideas. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Tres cartas... y un pie by Horacio Quiroga. Skimming; Predicting. !Vamos a escribir! Exchanging ideas and experiences. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Uruguay. Brasil. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 17: El mundo de los negocios. Situaciones. 'Asistente... o victima? Vocabulario. business. job interviews. job-related technology. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The pluperfect subjunctive. If clauses. Summary of the uses of the subjunctive. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Guessing meaning practice II. A conversar Giving a presentation. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: El tiempo y el espacio by Julio Camba (Esp.). Interacting with a reading. !Vamos a escribir! Writing to persuade. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Espana I. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? LECCION 18: Teatro... cine... television. Situaciones. La futura actriz. Vocabulario. media. the arts. communications. Pronunciacion. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. Uses of some prepositions after certain verbs. Uses of por and para in certain expressions. Some idiomatic expressions. Estrategias Asi somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Identifying word boundaries practice II and punctuating sentences. A conversar Expressing idiomatic language. Rincon literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Los deseos by Fernan Caballero (Esp.). Using prior knowledge. !Vamos a escribir! Writing a dialogue. Culture El mundo hispanico y tu. Espana II. Review 'Cuanto se ahora? Appendixes. Vocabulary. Index. Credits.

About Ana Jarvis (Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Emerita)

Ana C. Jarvis, a native of Paraguay, was born in Asunci n and attended school in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received her Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of California, Riverside, in 1973. Dr. Jarvis retired from Chandler-Gilbert Community College after a long and distinguished career. Prior to CGCC, she taught at Mesa Community College; the University of California, Riverside; San Bernardino Valley College; Brigham Young University; and Riverside City College. In addition to authoring numerous Spanish textbooks, she has published several short stories in Spanish. In 1988, she was chosen as Faculty Member of the Year at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. Raquel Lebredo was born in Camaguey, Cuba. She attended school in Havana and later enrolled at the University of Havana, where she received a Ph.D. in Education. She was subsequently employed as an elementary school principal, and taught literature and language at a preparatory school in Havana. She moved to the United States after living in Spain for a period of time. Dr. Lebredo was awarded a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of California, Riverside. Since then, she has taught Spanish at Claremont Graduate School, Crafton Hills College, the University of Redlands, and California Baptist University, and has authored several Spanish textbooks. In 1985, she was chosen as Faculty Member of the Year by the student body at California Baptist University, and in 1991 she received a YWCA Women of Achievement award. Francisco Mena-Ayll n, a native of Madrid, Spain, received his Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of California, Riverside, in 1973. He has taught Spanish language and literature courses at the University of California, Riverside; Oberlin College; California State University, Chico; the University of Redlands; and Crafton Hills College. In addition to authoring numerous Spanish textbooks in the United States, he has published a book about Federico Garc a Lorca and several volumes of his own poetry. His poetry has been published in Spain, Latin America, and the United States. His work has also been included in several anthologies of contemporary Spanish poets, and he is listed in Qui n es Qui n en las Letras Espa olas, 1978 (Who's Who in Spanish Letters), as an important contributor to contemporary Spanish literature. Professor Mena-Ayll n is now retired.

Table of Contents

LECCI N 1: Saludos y despedidas. Situaciones. Estudiantes y profesores. Vocabulario. greetings and farewells. introduce yourself. give and receive phone numbers. days of the week. dates. titles of courtesy. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish a and e. Estructuras. The alphabet. Cardinal numbers 0 39. Colors. Days of the week. Months and seasons of the year. Subject pronouns. Present indicative of ser. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for the main idea. A conversar Speaking for basic communication. Vamos a leer! Recognizing cognates. Vamos a escribir! Generating ideas by brainstorming. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Los mexicoamericanos. Los Estados Unidos hisp nicos y el espa ol en el mundo. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 2: En la Universidad. Situaciones. Si necesitas ayuda . . .. Vocabulario. classroom. languages. useful questions and answers. some polite expressions. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish i, o and u. Estructuras. Gender and number. Definite and indefinite articles. Cardinal numbers 31 100. Telling time. Present indicative of regular -ar verbs. Negative and interrogative sentences. Possession with de. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for specifics and guessing intelligently. A conversar Asking for repetition. Vamos a leer! Guessing the meaning of unknown words. Vamos a escribir! Conducting and reporting an interview. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Los cubanoamericanos. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 3: Por tel fono. Situaciones. Dos compa eros de cuarto . . .. Vocabulario. decribe people and activities. make and receive phone calls. personal information. Pronunciaci n. Linking. Estructuras. Possessive adjectives. Cardinal numbers 101 1000. Descriptive adjectives: Forms, position, and agreement with articles and nouns. Present indicative of regular -er and -ir verbs. Present indicative of the irregular verbs tener and venir. The personal a. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Taking a phone call. A conversar Using stock phrases. Vamos a leer! Activating background knowledge. Vamos a escribir! Analyzing writing models. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Los puertorrique os en los Estados Unidos. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 4: Costumbres y tradiciones. Situaciones. Bienvenido! Vocabulario. weekend activities, and festivities. needs and preferences. states of mind. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish b, v, d, and g (before a, o, or u). Estructuras. Pronouns as objects of prepositions. Contractions. Present indicative of the irregular verbs ir, dar, and estar. Ir a + infinitive. Present indicative of e:ie stem-changing verbs. Expressions with tener. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening to voice mail. A conversar Asking for additional information. Vamos a leer! Identifying text formats. Vamos a escribir! Writing an e-mail. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . M xico. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 5: Las comidas. Situaciones. Qu comemos? Vocabulario. restaurants, menu. ordering meals. paying the bill. the weather. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish p, t, c (in the combinations ca, co, cu), and q. Estructuras. Comparative forms. Irregular comparative forms. Present indicative of o:ue stem-changing verbs. Present progressive. Uses of ser and estar. Weather expressions. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for details I. A conversar Providing supporting details. Vamos a leer! Expanding your vocabulary through reading. Vamos a escribir! Solidifying and repurposing what you learn. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Guatemala. El Salvador. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 6: Los quehaceres de la casa. Situaciones. Tocan a la puerta! Vocabulario. household chores. family relationships. parts of a house. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish j, g (before e o i) y h. Estructuras. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Present indicative of e:i stem-changing verbs. Affirmative and negative expressions. Verbs with irregular first-person forms. Saber vs. conocer. Direct object pronouns. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for details II. A conversar Reporting. Vamos a leer! Skimming. Vamos a escribir! Sequencing steps for a recipe. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Honduras. Nicaragua. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 7: En un hotel. Situaciones. De vacaciones en Costa Rica. Vocabulario. checking in at a hotel. asking about accommodations. tourism. meal times. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish ll and . Estructuras. Indirect object pronouns. Constructions with gustar. Time expressions with hacer. Preterit of regular verbs. Ordinal numbers. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES:: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening to authentic language. A conversar Simplifying ideas through paraphrasing. Vamos a leer! Guessing meaning from context. Vamos a escribir! Summarizing and organizing. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Costa Rica. Panam . Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 8: Haciendo diligencias. Situaciones. Qu supersticioso eres! Vocabulario. banking. running errands. type of flowers. Pronunciaci n. The Spanish l, r, rr and z. Estructuras. Direct and indirect object pronouns used together. Preterit of ser, ir, and dar. Preterit of e:i and o:u stem-changing verbs. Uses of por and para. Formation of adverbs. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Guessing meaning from context. A conversar Paraphrasing practice I. Vamos a leer! Rereading critically. Vamos a escribir! Writing journal entries. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Puerto Rico. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 9: Preparativos para un fiesta. Situaciones. Feliz aniversario! Vocabulario. shopping for groceries. preparing a meal. daily routines. musical instruments. Pronunciaci n. Intonation. Estructuras. Reflexive constructions. Some uses of the definite article. Possessive pronouns. Irregular preterits. Hace meaning ago. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Dealing with fast speech. A conversar Using pauses to manage conversation. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: La liebre y la tortuga by Esopo. Using prior knowledge to guess the meaning of new vocabulary. Vamos a escribir! Sequencing steps for writing a didactic story. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Cuba. Rep blica Dominicana. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 10: Buscando apartamento. Situaciones. Dos amigos. Vocabulario. renting an apartment. parts of a house. home furniture and appliances. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The imperfect. The preterit contrasted with the imperfect. Verbs that change meaning in the preterit. The relative pronouns que and quien. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Training yourself to listen for units of meaning. A conversar Paraphrasing practice II. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Las sand as by Nellie Campobello (Mex.). Using your imagination to create contexts. Vamos a escribir! Studying different styles. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Venezuela. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 11: En una agencia de Viajes. Situaciones. Planes para una luna de miel. Vocabulario. planning a taking a trip. at the airport, in the airplane. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The subjunctive mood. The subjunctive with verbs of volition. The subjunctive with verbs of emotion. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situation. A escuchar Recognizing linking or transition words. A conversar Using courtesy expressions and common phrases. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Sala de espera by Enrique Anderson-Imbert (Arg.). Predicting and anticipating. Vamos a escribir! Assessing your needs as a writer. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Colombia. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 12: El autom vil . Situaciones. Se venden coches usados. Vocabulario. automobiles. service station. road emergencies. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The Ud. and Uds. Commands. The subjunctive to express doubt, disbelief, and denial. Constructions with se. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Recognizing spatial markers. A conversar Paraphrasing practice III. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Leyenda by Jorge Luis Borges (Arg.). Using prior knowledge to predict and anticipate. Vamos a escribir! Writing the text for a short speech. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Per . Ecuador. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 13: En un centro comercial. Situaciones. Vamos de compras. Vocabulario. clothing. shopping. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The familiar commands (t ). Qu ? and cu l? used with ser. The subjunctive to express indefiniteness and nonexistence. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Listening for the order of events. A conversar Expressing ideas and opinions. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Meciendo y Piececitos by Gabriela Mistral. Reading poetry. Vamos a escribir! Writing an advice column. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Chile. Ecuador. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 14: Las carreras universitarias. Situaciones. Qu carrera me interesa? Vocabulario. college activities. careers. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The subjunctive or indicative after certain conjunctions. The past participle. The present perfect and the past perfect (pluperfect). Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Guessing meaning practice I. A conversar Paraphrasing practice IV. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Lecciones de ingl s by Germ n Ariniegas (Col.). Using your experience as a context. Vamos a escribir! Writing about opinions or experiences. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Argentina. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 15: La salud. Situaciones. S ntomas. Vocabulario. health problems. parts of the body. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The future. The conditional. The future perfect and the conditional perfect. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Recognizing transitions. A conversar Practicing extended conversation. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Noche by Hugo Rodr guez-Alcal . Understanding poetic language and using the dictionary. Vamos a escribir! Writing to describe. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Paraguay. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 16: Las actividades al aire libre. Situaciones. Que se diviertan! Vocabulario. sports. outdoors activities. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The imperfect subjunctive. Some uses of the prepositions a, de, and en. The present perfect subjunctive. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Identifying word boundaries practice I. A conversar Transitioning between ideas. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Tres cartas y un pie by Horacio Quiroga. Skimming; Predicting. Vamos a escribir! Exchanging ideas and experiences. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Uruguay. Brasil. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 17: El mundo de los negocios. Situaciones. Asistente o v ctima? Vocabulario. business. job interviews. job-related technology. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. The pluperfect subjunctive. If clauses. Summary of the uses of the subjunctive. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Guessing meaning practice II. A conversar Giving a presentation. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: El tiempo y el espacio by Julio Camba (Esp.). Interacting with a reading. Vamos a escribir! Writing to persuade. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Espa a I. Review Cu nto s ahora? LECCI N 18: Teatro cine television. Situaciones. La futura actriz. Vocabulario. media. the arts. communications. Pronunciaci n. Pronunciation in context. Estructuras. Uses of some prepositions after certain verbs. Uses of por and para in certain expressions. Some idiomatic expressions. Estrategias As somos. A ver VIDEO ACTIVITIES: Watching and understanding situations. A escuchar Identifying word boundaries practice II and punctuating sentences. A conversar Expressing idiomatic language. Rinc n literario AUTHENTIC LITERATURE: Los deseos by Fern n Caballero (Esp.). Using prior knowledge. Vamos a escribir! Writing a dialogue. Culture El mundo hisp nico y t . Espa a II. Review Cu nto s ahora? Appendixes. Vocabulary. Index. Credits.

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C mo se dice...?, International Edition by Ana Jarvis (Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Emerita)
Used - Very Good
Cengage Learning, Inc
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