Foreword, Aaron T. Beck; Introduction: Tammie Ronen and Art Freeman; Part I - The Basic Foundation: (Social Work, CBT, evidence-based Developmental Characteristics); * Clinical Social Work and its Commonalities with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Tammie Ronen. * Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Model and Techniques, Catherine MacLaren & Arthur Freeman; * Research in Evidence-based Social Work, Bruce A. Thyer & Laura L. Myers; * Critical Thinking, Evidence-Based Practice, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Choices Ahead, Eileen Gambrill; * Developmental Factors for Consideration in Assessment and Treatment: A Review; * of the Aging Process In the Domains of Cognition and Emotion, Amy Carrigan; Part 2: Methods of intervention: Theory and Techniques; * Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Jordana Muroff; * Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: Client Empowerment, Social Work Values, Susan Dowd Stone; * The Use of Mindfulness Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapies, Cedar R. Koons; PART 3: Focus on Children; * Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Tammie Ronen; * The Use of Metaphorical Fables with Children: Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Prevention Interventions, Bert Allain & Catherine M. Lemieux; * Working with abused children and adolescents, Rene Mason; * Social Work Practice in the Schools, Stuart Barbera; * Problem Solving and Social Skills Training Groups for Children, Craig Winston LeCroy; PART 4: Focus on couples and families; * Working with couples, Donald K. Granvold; * Family Intervention for Severe Mental Illness, Susan Gingerich; * Mature Adults: Working with the Depressed Aging Patient, Marjorie R. Zahn, Bruce S. Zahn; PART 5: Focus on adult and problem areas; * Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders, Joseph A. Himle; * Depression and Suicidal Behavior: A CBT Approach for Social Workers; * Lili Daoud & Raymond Chip Tafrate; * Treatment of Suicidal Behavior, Arthur Freeman, Donna Martin, and Tammie Ronen; * Comorbidity of Chronic Depression and Personality Disorders: Application of Schema Mode Therapy, Steven Bordelon; * Working with adult survivors of sexual and physical abuse; * Beverly White; * Substance Misuse: An Issue of Degree, Assessment and Empathy; * Sharon Morgillo Freeman & Donald Osborn; * Grief and bereavement, Ruth Malkinson; * Eating disorders, Laura Lynn Myers; * Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Medical Settings, Vaughn Roche; Part 6 - Directions for the future; * Synthesis and Prospects for the future, Art Freeman and Tammi Ronen.