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Behavior Genetics: What’s New? What’s Next?, Danielle M. Dick and Richard J. Rose.
Brain Plasticity and Behavior, Bryan Kolb, Robbin Gibb andTerry E. Robinson.
Infant Attention Grows Up: The Emergence of a Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective, John Colombo. Neurobehavioral Changes in Adolescence, Linda Patia Spear.
Representation of Objects and Events: Why do Infants Look So Smart and Toddlers Look So Dumb?, Rachel Keen.
Remembering Early Childhood: How Much, How, and Why for Why Not?, Nora S. Newcombe, Anna Bullock Drummey, Nathan A. Fox, Eunhui Lie, and Wendy Ottinger-Alberts.
Culture and Cognitive Development, Michael Tomasello.
Metacognitive Development, Deanna Kuhn.
Marital Conflict: Correlates, Structure, and Context, Frank D. Fincham.
Intergenerational Studies of Parenting and the Transfer of Risk from Parent to Child, Lisa Serbin and Jennifer Karp.
Linking Parents’ Work Stress to Children’s and Adolescents’ Psychological Adjustment, Ann C. Crouter and Matthew F. Bumpus. Mutually Responsive Orientation Between Mothers and Their Young Children: A Context for the Early Development of Conscience, Grazyna Kochanska.
Understanding Families as Systems, Martha J. Cox and Blair Paley.
Loneliness and Peer Relations in Childhood, Steven R. Asher and Julie A.Paquette.
Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Peer Maltreatment: Studies of Relational Victimization, Nicki R. Crick, Juan F. Casas and David A. Nelson.
Friendship Quality and Social Development, Thomas J. Berndt.
Children and Youth in Neighborhood Contexts, Tama Leventhal and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn.
The Emerging Field of Adolescent Romantic Relationships, Wyndol Furman.
How U.S. Children and Adolescents Spend Time: What It Does (and Doesn’t) Tell Us About Their Development, Reed W. Larson.
Emotion Regulation in Adulthood: Timing Is Everything, James J. Gross.
Cognitive Activity and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, Robert S. Wilson and David A. Bennett.
Enhancing the Cognitive Vitality of Older Adults, Arthur F. Kramer and Sherry L. Willis.
Connecting the Many Levels and Facets of Cognitive Aging, Shu-Chen Li.