Always at the chalk face when it comes to teaching key signatures, finger patterns, and other reading or technical problems, M Cohen has again come to the rescue over the matter of the varying position of the second finger .....main purpose of the book is to help grade 1+ violinists hear and understand how finger patterns need to change if a tune is to sound the same when played up or down an octave.....Fingerboard maps, using stars to indicate the finger-spacing provide additional visual reinforcement of the concept of tones and semitones. In addition, and by way of contrast, Cohen has also provided ideas for improvising and making sound effects which relate to the songs to be played, so for What shall we do with the drunken sailor, moving the bow across the open strings and back, is suggested for a storm, and glissandi for wind in the sails. Dynamics, harmonics, tongue-clicking etc, also feature in the sound-effect files, while helpful alien figures label or point to the correct finger position, and issue seven challenges to players on the last page. Just the ticket for an easy ride through this stage of violin playing.