Smart Guide to Maximizing Your 401(k) Plan by Barbara Hetzer
An all-you-need-to-know introduction to the employer-sponsoredretirement plan that has revolutionized the way we save
* Smart Ways to save with automatic payroll deductions and pretaxcontributions that let you earn more money and pay less taxes NOWand when you retire
* Smart Advice on how much to contribute and what you need to knowabout your investment options, including advice on stocks, mutualfunds, and bonds
* Smart Insights into retirement alternatives with the traditionalIRA and the new Roth IRA
* Smart Tips on borrowing and withdrawing money from your 401(k)and IRA to buy a home or pay for college
* Quick reading and easy referencing with a comprehensive index andloads of sidebars and tables
Smart Guides take readers seriously. They satisfy even the mostcurious person's desire to know the essentials about any of a widerange of topics--from vitamins to mutual funds to stress relief.It's all about good reading and expert information. The choice isyours.
* Smart Ways to save with automatic payroll deductions and pretaxcontributions that let you earn more money and pay less taxes NOWand when you retire
* Smart Advice on how much to contribute and what you need to knowabout your investment options, including advice on stocks, mutualfunds, and bonds
* Smart Insights into retirement alternatives with the traditionalIRA and the new Roth IRA
* Smart Tips on borrowing and withdrawing money from your 401(k)and IRA to buy a home or pay for college
* Quick reading and easy referencing with a comprehensive index andloads of sidebars and tables
Smart Guides take readers seriously. They satisfy even the mostcurious person's desire to know the essentials about any of a widerange of topics--from vitamins to mutual funds to stress relief.It's all about good reading and expert information. The choice isyours.