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Sabias Que-- ? Bill VanPatten

Sabias Que-- ? By Bill VanPatten

Sabias Que-- ? by Bill VanPatten

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Acts as both, a task-based text requiring students to use Spanish to complete specific goals or tasks, and as a content-based text including readings from a variety of disciplines.

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Sabias Que-- ?: Beginning Spanish: Student Edition by Bill VanPatten

This highly innovative Beginning Spanish text is both task-based, requiring students to use Spanish to complete specific goals or tasks, as well as content-based, including readings from a variety of disciplines.

About Bill VanPatten

Bill VanPatten is Professor and Director of Applied Linguistics and Second Language Studies at Texas Tech University. His areas of research are input and input processing in second language acquisition and the effects of formal instruction on acquisitional processes. He has published widely in the fields of second language acquisition and language teaching and is a frequent conference speaker and presenter. His publications include Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen (with James F. Lee, 2003,McGraw-Hill), From Input to Output: A Teacher's Guide to Second Language Acquisition (2003, McGraw-Hill), Processing Instruction: Theory, Research, and Practice (2004, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) and most recently, Theories in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction (with Jessica Williams, 2007, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). He is the lead author of Vistazos, 'Sabias que...?, Destinos and Sol y viento. Dr. VanPatten is the 2007 recipient of the Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education, awarded jointly by ACTFL and NYSAFLT. When not engaged in academic activities, he writes fiction and performs stand-up comedy. He has recently published his first work of fiction, a collection of short stories titled Chicago Tales, published by Outskirts Press (2007). James F. Lee is the Head of the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His research interests are in the areas of second language reading comprehension, input processing, and exploring the relationship between the two. His research has appeared in a number of scholarly journals and publications, including the co-authored books with Alessandro Benati Second Language Processing: Theory, Problems and Possible Solutions (2007, Continuum) and Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and Virtual Contexts (2007, Equinox). Other publications include the book Tasks and Communicating in Language Classrooms (2000, McGraw-Hill) and the co-authored book Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen, Second Edition (2003, McGraw-Hill). He has also co-authored secveral textbooks, including 'Sabias que...? Beginning Spanish, Vistazos, 'Que te parece?, and Ideas: Lecturas, estrategias, actividades y composiciones. He and Bill VanPatten are series editors for the McGraw-Hill Second Language Professional Series. Terry L. Ballman is Professor of Spanish and original faculty member and chair of Spanish/Languages at California State University, Channel Islands. Her teaching experience includes Spanish language and linguistics courses as well as methods courses for foreign language, ESL, and bilingual teachers. She has also coordinated lower-division language programs and supervised student teachers. A recipient of several teaching awards, Dr. Ballman is a frequent presenter of workshops and papers. She has published articles in research volumes and journals. She is a co-author of The Communicative Classroom, a volume of the American association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Series for K-16 Teachers.

Table of Contents

Leccion preliminar: 'Quien eres? Ideas para explorar: 'Quien eres?* Vocabulario: 'Como te llamas? 'De donde eres? Introducing Yourself* Gramatica: 'Ser o no ser? Forms and Uses of ser Ideas para explorar: Las carreras y las materias* Vocabulario: 'Que estudias? Courses of Study and School Subjects* Gramatica: 'Te gusta? Discussing Likes and Dislikes* Vocabulario: 'Que carrera haces? Talking About Your Major Ideas para explorar: Mas sobre las clases* Gramatica: 'Son buenas tus clases? Describing* Vocabulario: 'Cuantos creditos? Numbers 0-30* Gramatica: 'Hay muchos estudiantes en tu universidad? The Verb Form hay Unidad uno: Entre nosotros Leccion 1: 'Como es tu horario? Ideas para explorar: La vida de todos los dias* Vocabulario: 'Como es una rutina? Talking About Daily Routines* Gramatica: 'Trabaja o no? Talking About What Someone Else Does Ideas para explorar: Durante la semana* Vocabulario: 'Con que frecuencia?: Talking About How Often People Do Things* Vocabulario: 'Que dia de la semana?: Days of the Week* Gramatica: 'Y yo? Talking About Your Own Activities Ideas para explorar: Mas sobre las rutinas* Vocabulario: 'A que hora... ? Telling When Something Happens* Gramatica: 'Y tu? 'Y usted? Addressing Others* Vocabulario: 'Que necesitas hacer?: Talking About What You Need or Have to Do on a Regular Basis Leccion 2: 'Que haces los fines de semana? Ideas para explorar: Actividades para el fin de semana* Vocabulario: 'Que hace una persona los sabados? Talking About Someone's Weekend Routine* Vocabulario: 'No haces nada? Negation and Negative Words* Gramatica: 'A quien le gusta... ? More about likes and dislikes Ideas para explorar Las otras personas* Gramatica: 'Que hacen? Talking About the Activities of Two or More People* Gramatica: 'Que hacemos nosotros? Talking About Activities That You and Others Do Ideas para explorar: El tiempo y las estaciones* Vocabulario: 'Que tiempo hace? Talking About the Weather* Vocabulario: 'Cuando comienza el verano? Talking About Seasons of the Year* Gramatica: 'Que vas a hacer? Introduction to the Simple Future Leccion 3: 'Que hiciste ayer? Ideas para explorar: Ayer y anoche (I)* Vocabulario: 'Que hizo Elena ayer? Talking About Activities in the Past* Gramatica: 'Salio o se quedo en casa? Talking About What Someone Else Did Recently* Gramatica: 'Sali o me quede en casa? Talking About What You Did Recently Ideas para explorar: Ayer y anoche (II)* Gramatica: 'Que hiciste anoche? Talking to a Friend About What He or She Did Recently* Gramatica: 'Salieron ellos anoche? Talking About What Two or More People Did Recently* Gramatica: 'Que hicimos nosotros? Talking About What You and Someone Else Did Recently Unidad dos: Mi familia Leccion 4: 'Como es tu familia? Ideas para explorar: La familia nuclear* Vocabulario: 'Como es tu familia? Talking About Your Immediate Family* Gramatica: 'Cuantas hijas... ? Question Words: A Summary Ideas para explorar: La familia extendida* Vocabulario: 'Y los otros parientes? Talking About Your Extended Family* Vocabulario: 'Tienes sobrinos? Additional Vocabulary Related to Family Members Ideas para explorar: Mis relaciones con la familia* Gramatica: 'Te conocen bien? First- and Second-Person Direct Object Pronouns* Gramatica: 'La quieres? Third-Person Direct Object Pronouns* Gramatica: Llamo a mis padres The Personal a Leccion 5: 'A quien te pareces? Ideas para explorar: Caracteristicas fisicas* Vocabulario: 'Como es? (I) Describing People's Physical Features* Gramatica: 'Quien es mas alto? Making Comparisons* Vocabulario: 'Nos parecemos? Talking About Family Resemblances Ideas para explorar: Otras caracteristicas* Vocabulario: 'Como es? (II) More on Describing People* Gramatica: 'Como esta? Describing People's Physical or Mental State* Gramatica: 'La conoces? Talking About Knowing Someone Ideas para explorar: Mas sobre las relaciones familiares* Gramatica: 'Te conoces bien? True Reflexive Constructions* Gramatica: 'Se abrazan Uds.? Reciprocal Reflexives Leccion 6: 'Y el tamano de la familia? Ideas para explorar: Anos y epocas* Vocabulario: 'Que edad? Numbers 30-199 and Talking About People's Age* Vocabulario: 'En que ano... ? Numbers 200-1999 and Expressing Years* Gramatica: 'Esta cambiando? The present progressive Ideas para explorar: Epocas anteriores* Gramatica: 'Era diferente la vida? (I) Introduction to the Imperfect Tense: Singular Forms* Gramatica: 'Era diferente la vida? (II) More on the Imperfect Tense: Plural Forms* Gramatica: 'Tienes tantos hermanos como yo? Comparisons of Equality Unidad tres: En la mesa Leccion 7: 'Que sueles comer? Ideas para explorar: Los habitos de comer* Vocabulario: 'Cuales son algunos alimentos basicos? Talking About Basic Foods in Spanish* Gramatica: 'Que si me importan los aditivos? Other Verbs Like gustar and the Indirect Object Pronoun me* Gramatica: 'Te importan los aditivos? te and nos as Indirect Object Pronouns Ideas para explorar: A la hora de comer* Vocabulario: 'Que desayunas? Talking About What You Eat for Breakfast* Vocabulario: 'Que comes para el almuerzo y para la cena? Talking About What You Eat for Lunch and Dinner Ideas para explorar: Los gustos* Vocabulario: 'Que meriendas? Talking About Snacks and Snacking* Vocabulario: 'Le pones sal a la comida? Le and les as Third-Person Indirect Object Pronouns* Gramatica: !Esta muy salada! More on estar + Adjectives Leccion 8: 'Que se hace con los brazos? Ideas para explorar: Los buenos modales* Vocabulario: 'Que hay en la mesa? Talking About Eating at the Table* Gramatica: 'Se debe... ? The Impersonal se Ideas para explorar: Las dietas nacionales* Vocabulario: 'Hay que... ? Expressing Impersonal Obligation* Gramatica: 'Se consumen muchas verduras? The Passive se Ideas para explorar: En un restaurante* Vocabulario: 'Esta todo bien? Talking About Eating in Restaurants* Gramatica: 'Para quien es? More on the Use of para Leccion 9: 'Y para beber?* Ideas para explorar: Las bebidas* Vocabulario: 'Que bebes? Talking About Favorite Beverages* Gramatica: 'Que bebiste? Review of Regular Preterite Tense Verb Forms and Use Ideas para explorar: Prohibiciones y responsibilidades* Gramatica: 'Que se prohibe? Review of Impersonal and Passive se Unidad cuatro: El bienestar Leccion 10: 'Como te sientes? Ideas para explorar: Los estados de animo* Vocabulario: 'Como se siente? Talking About How Someone Feels* Gramatica: 'Te sientes bien? More on Reflexive Verbs Ideas para explorar: Reacciones* Vocabulario: 'Como se revelan las emociones? Talking About How People Show Their Feelings* Gramatica: 'Te falta energia? The Verbs faltar and quedar Ideas para explorar: Para sentirte bien* Vocabulario: 'Que haces para sentirte bien? Talking About Leisure Activities* Gramatica: 'Que hacias de nino/a para sentirte bien? Using the Imperfect for Habitual Events: A Review Leccion 11: 'Como te relajas? Ideas para explorar: El tiempo libre* Vocabulario: 'Que haces para relajarte? More Activities for Talking About Relaxation* Vocabulario: 'Adonde vas para relajarte? Talking About Places and Related Leisure Activities* Gramatica: Relajarse es bueno When to Use a Gerund or Infinitive Ideas para explorar: En el pasado* Vocabulario: 'Que hicieron el fin de semana pasado para relajarse? More Leisure Activities in the Past (Preterite) Tense* Gramatica: 'Y que hiciste tu para relajarte? Preterite Tense: Review of Forms and Uses Ideas para explorar: La buena risa* Gramatica: 'Que hacias que causo tanta risa? Narrating in the Past: Using Both Preterite and Imperfect Leccion 12: 'En que consiste el abuso? Ideas para explorar: Hay que tener cuidado* Vocabulario: 'Que es una lesion? More Vocabulary Related to Activities* Gramatica: 'Veias la television de nino/a? Imperfect Forms of the Verb ver Ideas para explorar: Saliendo de la adiccion* Gramatica: 'Que debo hacer? -Escucha esto. Telling Others What to Do: Affirmative tu Commands* Gramatica: 'Que no debo hacer? -!No hagas eso! Telling Others What Not to Do: Negative tu Commands Unidad cinco: Somos lo que somos Leccion 13: 'Como te describes? Ideas para explorar: La personalidad* Vocabulario: 'Como eres? (I) Describing Personalities (I)* Vocabulario: 'Como eres? (II) Describing Personalities (II) Ideas para explorar: La expresion de la personalidad* Gramatica: 'Que has hecho? (I) Introduction to the Present Perfect* Gramatica: 'Que has hecho? (II) More on the Present Perfect Ideas para explorar: Mas sobre tu personalidad* Gramatica: 'Te atreves a... ? More Verbs That Require a Reflexive Pronoun* Gramatica: 'Es reflexivo? Review of the Pronoun se Leccion 14: 'A quien te gustaria conocer? Ideas para explorar: La personalidad de los famosos* Vocabulario: 'Que caracterisitcas poseian? More Adjectives to Describe People Ideas para explorar: Situaciones hipoteticas* Gramatica: 'Que harias? Introduction to the Conditional Tense* Gramatica: 'Y si pudieras... ? Introduction to the Past Subjunctive Ideas para explorar: En busca de personas conocidas* Gramatica: 'A quien... ? Review of the Object Marker a* Gramatica: 'Te gustaria... ? Review of the Verb gustar Leccion 15: 'Por naturaleza o por crianza? Ideas para explorar: De aqui para alla* Vocabulario: 'Donde esta la bibioteca? Teling Where Things Are* Vocabulario: 'Como se llega al zoologico? Giving and Receiving Directions Ideas para explorar: Lo interesante* Gramatica: 'Por donde? Por an d para with Spatial Relationships* Gramatica: 'Que es lo curioso de esto? Lo + Adjective Unidad seis: Hacia el futuro Leccion 16: 'Adonde vamos? Ideas para explorar: La ropa* Vocabulario: 'Como te vistes? Talking About Clothing* Gramatica: 'De que te vistes? More on Reflexive Verbs Ideas para explorar: De viaje* Vocabulario: 'En tren o en auto? Talking About Trips and Traveling (I)* Vocabulario: 'Donde nos quedamos? Talking About Trips and Traveling (II) Ideas para explorar: En el extranjero* Gramatica: Firme aqui Telling Others What to Do: Formal Commands* Gramatica: 'Que harias? Review of the Conditional Tense Leccion 17: 'A que profesion u ocupacion quieres dedicarte? Ideas para explorar: Las profesiones (I)* Vocabulario: 'Que profesion? Talking About Professions* Gramatica: 'Que tipo de trabajo buscas? The Subjunctive After Indefinite Antecedents Ideas para explorar: Las profesiones (II)* Vocabulario: 'Que caracteristicas y habilidades se necesitan? Talking About Traits Needed for Particular Professions* Gramatica: No hay nadie que... The Subjunctive After Negative and Non-Existent Antecedents Ideas para explorar: Algunos aspiraciones* Gramatica: 'Cuando piensas... ? The Subjunctive After Expressions of Future Intent Leccion 18: 'Que nos espera en el futuro? Ideas para explorar: Las posibiladades y probabilidades del futuro* Gramatica: 'Como sera nuestra vida? Introduction to the Simple Future Tense* Gramatica: 'Es probable? 'Es posible? The Subjunctive with Expressions of Uncertainty Ideas para explorar: Mas posibilidades y probabilidades* Vocabulario: Hablando del futuro Talking About the Future

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Sabias Que-- ?: Beginning Spanish: Student Edition by Bill VanPatten
Used - Good
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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