Livewire Chillers Crazy Jack by Brandon Robshaw
To ensure accessibility and readability, Hodder & Stoughton have worked with The Basic Skills Agency on Livewire - a series of exciting reading material with a teenage/adult interest level for those with reading ages below 10 or for adult students learning English as a second or foreign language. Livewire offers teenagers and adults appropriate fiction and non-fiction which is graded at reading ages 6-7; 7-8; 8-9; and 9-10. Livewire books successfully engage the interest of the reader in an exciting and non-patronising way, and gradually lead him or her towards the attainment of a higher reading ability. All Livewire books are written by qualified Special Needs teachers. Chillers forms part of the Livewire series and offers chilling stories full of suspense. The books are superbly illustrated. Each Livewire book has been expertly assessed and subtly colour-coded for the appropriate 'reading age'. Each of the titles in this pack will fall into one of the categories of reading ages: 6-7, 7-8 or 8-9 years.