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Simon Dymond, PhD, BCBA-D, is a reader in psychology at Swansea University. He received his undergraduate training and PhD (in 1996) from University College Cork, where he studied under Dermot Barnes-Holmes. He has published over 70 empirical research articles on derived relational responding, avoidance, and gambling, and currently sits on several editorial boards of publications such as the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour and The Psychological Record.
Bryan Roche, PhD, graduated with his doctorate in behaviour analysis in 1995, after which he took up academic posts at University College Cork, Ireland and the University of Bath, UK. His current position is at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth in 2000. Roche has published approximately 80 articles, peer-reviewed papers, and book chapters on relational frame theory and related topics. In particular, his research has involved the application of Relational Frame Theory to the study of social and sexual behaviour, the understanding and treatment of anxiety, and most recently the development of on-line relational frame training interventions to increase intelligence quotients ( He was co-editor of the book Relational Frame Theory: A Post-Skinnerian Analysis of Language and Cognition (2001). Roche currently sits on the editorial boards of several behaviour-analytic journals, and is a regular ad-hoc reviewer for several of the major international journals of behavioural psychology.