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Western Societies: A Documentary History, Volume 1 Brian Tierney

Western Societies: A  Documentary  History,  Volume 1 By Brian Tierney

Western Societies: A Documentary History, Volume 1 by Brian Tierney

Condition - Very Good
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Emphasizing the women's history, this book presents a collection of primary source materials since the earliest times. Intended for use in college courses in Western Civilization, it includes a variety of source materials such as readings from literary classics, letters, biographies, chronicles, diaries, and philosophic and scientific writings.

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Western Societies: A Documentary History, Volume 1 Summary

Western Societies: A Documentary History, Volume 1 by Brian Tierney

These volumes present a collection of primary source materials from the earliest times to the present intended for use in college courses in Western Civilization. An outstanding feature of the book is the wide variety of source materials included-readings from literary classics, letters, biographies, chronicles, diaries, philosophic and scientific writings, government records. Women's history is emphasized throughout.

Table of Contents

PrefaceI THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST --- NATURE, GODS, AND HUMANSIN THE BEGINNINGSEgyptFrom The Book of Knowing the CreationsMesopotamiaFrom The Creation EpicThe HebrewsFrom The Book of GenesisRELIGION AND NATUREEgypt: The Nile and the SunFrom Hymn to the NileFrom Hymn to the AtonMesopotamia: Fertility and MythInnana and the KingHymn to Ishtar From The Epic of GilgameshThe Hebrews: The Garden of EdenFrom The Book of GenesisETHICS AND LAWEgypt: Death and JudgmentFrom The Book of the DeadMesopotamia: Law and JusticeFrom The Code of HammurabiGOD, AND HISTORY: THE HEBREW TRADITIONThe CovenantFrom The Book of ExodusThe LawFrom The Book of ExodusThe ProphetsFrom The Book of IsaiahHebrew PoetryA PsalmFrom The Song of SolomonII GREEK CIVILIZATION --- FROM MYTH TO POLIS (c. 800--c. 400 B.C.)GODS AND HUMANSHomer's WorldFrom The IliadGolden Age to Iron AgeFrom Hesiod's Works and DaysHuman LoveFrom Poems of SapphoFROM MYTHOLOGY TO PHILOSOPHYReligionFrom XenophanesPhilosophyFrom ParmenidesAtomism: Leucippus and DemocritusMathematics: The PythagoreansSOCIETY AND GOVERNMENT --- THE POLISAthensFrom Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian WarSpartaFrom Plutarch. Life of LycurgusThe Peloponnesian WarFrom LysistrataFrom The Melian DialogueDIVINE AND HUMAN LAWSophoclesFrom AntigoneIII GREEK CIVILIZATION --- PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY (c. 400--c. 330 B.C.)THE IDEA OF THE GOODSocrates: Critics and FriendsFrom The ApologyFrom The CloudsFrom PhaedoPlato's CaveFrom The RepublicFAMILY AND STATE---IDEALISMPlatonic UtopianismFrom The RepublicAgainst DemocracyFrom The RepublicFAMILY AND STATE---REALISMAn Athenian HouseholdFrom Xenophon. Household ManagementState FinancesFrom Xenophon. On the RevenuesARISTOTLE---NATURAL SCIENCE AND SOCIAL SCIENCEScientific MethodFrom MetaphysicsEthics and PoliticsFrom The Nichomachean EthicsFrom The PoliticsIV HELLENISM AND ROME---FROM REPUBLIC TO EMPIREHellenistic CultureThe Empire of AlexanderFrom Plutarch. MoraliaHellenism and JudaismFrom The First Book of MaccabeesEpicureanismFrom Lucretius. On the Nature of the UniverseStoicismFrom Works of EpictetusROME---REPUBLIC TO EMPIRERepublican InstitutionsFrom The Histories of PolybiusFrom The Roman History of AppianThe Roman RevolutionFrom The Roman History of AppianFrom Cicero. On the LawsFrom Sallust. The Conspiracy of CatilineFrom Cicero. On Moral DutiesFrom Suetonius. The Twelve CaesarsFrom The Annals of TacitusImperial AdministrationFrom Letters of PlinyROMAN FAMILIESPatriarchal TraditionFrom Roman AntiquitiesFrom The Histories of PolybiusFrom Plutarch. Life of CatoLegislation of AugustusFrom Dio's Roman HistoryFrom The Institutes of GaiusFrom Opinions of Julius PaulusRoman WivesFrom Juvenal's Sixth SatireFrom Praise of TuriaV CHRISTIANITY AND THE FALL OF ROMETHE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITYThe Coming of JesusFrom The Gospel According to LukeFrom The Gospel According to JohnLife and TeachingFrom The Gospel According to MatthewFrom The Gospel According to MatthewFrom The Gospel According to MarkJesus and WomenFrom The Gospel According to LukeFrom The Gospel According to MarkFrom The Gospel According to JohnTHE EARLY CHURCHChristian and PaganFrom Paul's First Epistle to the CorinthiansFrom Minucius Felix. OctaviusFrom Hippolytus. Apostolic TraditionFrom Clement of AlexandriaThe Nicene CreedChurch and StateFrom The Annals of TacitusFrom Letters of PlinyFrom The Edict of MilanFrom Eusebius. Life of ConstantineFrom The Theodosian CodeChristian Women: Marriage and CelibacyFrom Paul's Epistle to the EphesiansFrom Paul's First Epistle to the CorinthiansFrom Jerome. Against HelvidiusFrom The Acts of the Christian Martyrs From Letter of Pope Damasus on CelibacyDECLINE AND FALLImperial CentralizationFrom The Death of the PersecutorsFrom The Theodosian CodeChristian ReactionsSalvianus. The Burden of TaxationJerome. The Barbarian InvasionsAugustine. The Two CitiesEastern SurvivalFrom The Institutes of JustinianVI A NEW EUROPE---BARBARIANS AND CHRISTIANSTHE EARLY GERMANS---SOCIETY AND CULTUREA Roman AccountFrom Tacitus. On GermanyLaws and CustomsFrom Laws of the Salian FranksFrom Laws of the BurgundiansA Germanic Hero-KingFrom BeowulfCHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONSThe PapacyFrom Sermon of Leo IFrom Gelasius I. Letter to Emperor AnastasiusMonasticismFrom The Rule of St. BenedictROMAN CHRISTIANITY AND NORTHERN EUROPEGregory the Great and EnglandGregory I. Letter to MellitusFrom Bede. Ecclesiastical HistoryFrom Bede. Ecclesiastical HistoryMission to GermanyOath of BonifaceFrom Life of BonifaceFrom Life of LeobaCHARLEMAGNECharlemagne and His FamilyFrom Einhard. Life of CharlemagneEconomic FoundationsFrom Capitulary De VillisCarolingian GovernmentFrom General Capitulary for the MissiThe Imperial CoronationFrom Einhard. Life of CharlemagneFrom Annals of LorschFrom Frankish Royal AnnalsVII MEDIEVAL FOUNDATIONS---FEUDALISM, CHURCH REFORM, AND CRUSADEFEUDAL INSTITUTIONSLords and VassalsFrom Annals of XantenCapitulary of MersenOaths of AllegianceFrom Chronicle of Galbert of BrugesLiege HomageThe FiefCapitulary of Lestinnes (747)Grant of Fief with Immunity (815)Foundation of the Duchy of Normandy (911)Feudal ObligationsFrom Fulbert of ChartresFeudal AidsKnight ServiceCourt ServiceWardship and MarriageViolence and RestraintPeace Oath of Bishop Warin, 1023From Suger's Life of Louis VIREFORM OF THE CHURCHAbuses, Theocracy, and ReformComplaint or Berengar of Narbonne, 1056Coronation of Otto I, 1036Papal Reform Decrees (1074--1075)Dictatus Papae (1075)Empire and PapacyHenry IV to Gregory VII (January 24, 1076)Deposition of Henry IV (February 22, 1076)Gregory VII to the Princes of Germany (1077)Gregory VII to Hermann of Metz (1081)Concordat of WormsTHE FIRST CRUSADERSWestern ViewsFrom The Song of RolandPope Urban's Speech at ClermontCrusaders and JewsFrom Chronicle of Alan of AixAn Arab ViewFrom Autobiography of OusamaVIIITHE MEDIEVAL WORLD---ECONOMY AND GOVERNMENTRURAL LIFEThe Medieval ManorFrom A Manor of the Hundred Rolls (1279)From Select Pleas in Manorial CourtsPeasant Daily FareFrom Piers PlowmanTOWNS AND TRADECity LifeFrom A Description of LondonFrom Charter of St. OmerEconomic ActivitiesRules of a Merchant Guild (Southampton)Silk Spinners at ParisAdvice to MerchantsMEDIEVAL MONARCHIESEnglandFrom Magna CartaSummons of Representatives to Parliament (1295)From Rolls of ParliamentFranceFrom Joinville. Life of St. LouisThe EmpireFrom Otto of Freising's Chronicle From Otto of Freising's ChronicleCHURCH AND STATEInnocent III---Papal Power at Its ZenithFrom Letters of Innocent IIIInnocent IV and Frederick IIFrederick II According to SalimbeneDeposition of Frederick II (1245)Boniface VIII---The Crisis of Papal PowerUnam SanctamAccusations Against Boniface VIIIDecree of Clement V (1306)Decree of Clement V (1311)Reflections on GovernmentFrom Innocent IV. Commentary on the DecretalsFrom John of Paris. On Royal and Papal Power (1303)IXTHE MEDIEVAL WORLD---RELIGION AND CULTUREREASON, FAITH, AND LOVEAbelard and Bernard: Reason and FaithFrom Abelard. Sic et NonFrom Bernard. Letter to Pope Innocent IIFrom Abelard. DialecticaFrom Bernard. The Love of GodAbelard and Heloise: Learning and LoveFrom Abelard. A Story of CalamitiesFrom Heloise. Letter to AbelardFrom Peter the Venerable. Letter to HeloiseTHE WORLD OF THOUGHTUniversity Life: Masters and StudentsFrom University Statutes, 1215Method of LecturingProclamation against Criminal StudentsAn Oxford StudentReligion, Philosophy, and LawFrom Aquinas. Summa TheologiaeFrom Aquinas. Summa Theologiae THE FRANCISCAN VISIONFranciscan IdealsFrom The Rule of St. FrancisCreator and CreaturesFrom Thomas of CelanoThe Canticle of the SunON THE MARGIN --- HERETICS AND JEWSAlbigensiansFrom Raynaldus. AnnalesDecree of Emperor Frederick II (c. 1235)BeguinsFrom The Inquisitor's Manual of Bernard GuiJewsFrom Letter of Innocent IIIFrom The Fourth Lateran CouncilFrom Letter of Gregory XFrom Roger of Hoveden. AnnalsMEDIEVAL WOMENCourtly LoveJaufre Rudel. To His Love AfarCountess de Dia. A Distressed LoverFrom The Art of Courtly LoveEve and MaryAdam Lay Y-BoundenFrom Liber ExemplorumFrom Sermon of Berthold of RegensburgFrom Aquinas. Summa TheologiaeWomen's Roles --- Two ViewsFrom The City of LadiesFrom The Goodman of Paris XAN AGE OF RENAISSANCE---DECLINE AND RENEWAL, 1300--1500FOURTEENTH-CENTURY CALAMITIESPestilence, Persecution, and FlagellantsFrom Jean de Venette's ChronicleThe Hundred Years' WarFrom Froissart's ChroniclePeasant RebellionFrom Froissart's ChronicleJoan of ArcLetter of Joan of Arc, 1429NEW LIGHT IN ITALYAncients and ModernsFrom Dante. The Divine ComedyFrom Petrarch's LettersFrom Leonardo Bruni. Commentarius< h4>Human DignityFrom Pico della Mirandola. Oration on the Dignity of ManRenaissance Types --- Artists and CourtiersFrom Giorgio Vasari. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters (1550)From Giorgio Vasari. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters (1550) Courtier and PrinceFrom Baldassare Castiglione. The Book of the Courtier (1518)RENAISSANCE FAMILIESFamily and FortuneFrom Alberti. I Libri Della FamigliaA Florentine Family --- FactFrom Diary of Gregorio DatiA Florentine Family --- FictionFrom Machiavelli. La MandragolaRENAISSANCE STATECRAFTItaly: Prince and StateFrom Machiavelli. The PrinceFrance: Louis XIFrom Memoirs of CommynesEngland: Henry VIIFrom Bacon's Life of Henry VIIXIREFORMATIONS---PROTESTANT AND CATHOLICNORTHERN HUMANISTSPapal FailingsFrom Erasmus. In Praise of FollyReligion in UtopiaFrom Thomas More. UtopiaGermany and RomeFrom Wimpheling's ResponseMARTIN LUTHERLuther as MonkFrom Luther's Table TalkThe Break With RomeFrom Tetzel's SermonFrom The Ninety-Five Theses (1517)From Address to the Christian Nobility of the German NationFrom Luther's Sermon, April 7, 1521From Luther's Speech at Worms, April 18, 1521Celibacy and MarriageFrom What Luther SaysDEVELOPMENTS OF PROTESTANT THOUGHTSwitzerland and FranceZwingli on the EucharistFrom John Calvin. Institutes of the Christian ReligionScotland and EnglandFrom John Knox. The Book of DisciplineAct of Supremacy, 1534From The Thirty-Nine ArticlesTHE CATHOLIC REFORMATIONDoctrine ReaffirmedFrom Decrees of the Council of TrentReligious ReformersFrom Ignatius Loyola. The Spiritual ExercisesFrom Teresa of Avila. The Way of PerfectionREFORMATION AND POLITICSGermanyFrom Twelve Articles of the PeasantsFrom Luther's Letter, 1524Peace of Augsburg (1555)FranceSt. Bartholomew's Day MassacreEdict of NantesXIINEW WORLDS FOR OLD---EXPLORATION, SCIENCE, AND SUPERSTITIONNEW FOUND LANDSFirst EncountersFrom Letter of ColumbusFrom Journal of Gaspar CorreaThe New World From Sepulveda. Democrates AlterFrom Las Casas. Apologetic HistoryFrom Las Casas. Thirty PropositionsFrom Index of ConquistadoresExploration and AnthropologyFrom Montaigne. Of CannibalsSCIENTIFIC METHODBacon on EmpiricismFrom The Great InstaurationDescartes on DeductionFrom Discourse on MethodSCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTAstronomyFrom Copernicus. CommentariolusFrom Galileo. The Starry MessengerFrom Galileo. Letter to the Grand Duchess ChristinaSynthesisFrom Newton's PrincipiaFrom Bodin's MethodusWITCHCRAFT --- SUPERSTITION AND PERSECUTIONThe Prevalence of WitchesFrom Bodin's DemonologyThe Frailty of WomenFrom The Hammer of WitchesConfession of Francoise Secretain (1598)Trail of Geillis Duncane (1591)XIIITHE SEARCH FOR ORDER --- ABSOLUTISM AND ARISTOCRACYSOCIAL CONDITIONSGermanyFrom SimplicissimusFranceFrom Letters of the Abbess of Port-RoyalTHEORIES OF ABSOLUTISMRationalismFrom Bodin. Six Books of the CommonwealthFrom Thomas Hobbes. LeviathanDivine RightFrom Bossuet. Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy ScripturePatriarchyFrom Robert Filmer. PatriarchaTHE COURT OF LOUIS XIVLife at Versailles From Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-SimonPortrait of a Monarch From Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-SimonFrom Louis XIV. Letter to His Heir ABSOLUTISM IN PRACTICEReligionFrom Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685)From Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-SimonFrom Declaration of the Gallican ChurchFrom Louis XIV. Letter to His HeirMilitary OrganizationFrom Voltaire. The Age of Louis XIVEconomy and Local AdministrationFrom Colbert's MemorandaFrom Colbert's CorrespondenceEASTERN EUROPEThe Turkish MenaceFrom The Present State of the German and Turkish EmpiresPeter the GreatFrom Gilbert Burnett's HistoryFrom Von Korb's DiaryFrom De Missy's Life of PeterXIVTHE SEARCH FOR ORDER --- CONSTITUTIONALISM AND OLIGARCHYCROWN AND PARLIAMENTEarlier ViewsFrom Fortescue. The Governance of England (1471)From Elizabeth's Golden Speech (1601)From James I. Speech to Parliament (1610)From Petition of Grievances (1610)CIVIL WARCharles I. The Break with ParliamentFrom Petition of Right (1628)Commons Protestation (1629)From Petition Accompanying the Grand Remonstrance (1641)Case of the Five MembersMilitia OrdinanceA Royal Martyr?Declaration of SovereigntyAct Establishing a Court to Try the KingCharles's DefenseThe SentenceLast WordsRELIGION AND SOCIAL PROTESTRadical DissentFrom The Free-Man's Freedom VindicatedFrom The Army Debates (1647)From A Fiery Flying RollFrom Winstanley. Letter to Lord FairfaxA Digger Song (1649)Women's RolesFrom Domesticall DutiesFrom HudibrasWomen's Petition (1649) From Mary Cary. The New Jerusalem's Glory From George Fox. A Collection of . . . EpistlesFrom The Sufferings of the People Called QuakersFrom Dorothy Osborne's LettersOLIVER CROMWELL AND THE INTERREGNUMWar and ReligionFrom Cromwell's Letters and SpeechesSocial LegislationFrom Acts and Ordinances Authority and ConsentDismissal of the Rump ParliamentFrom Clarendon's HistoryFrom Ludlow's MemoirsCromwell's Deathbed PrayerA Royalist ViewFrom Clarendon's HistoryFROM RESTORATION TO REVOLUTION RestorationFrom John Evelyn's DiaryThe Glorious RevolutionFrom John Evelyn's DiaryFrom The Bill of Rights (1689)

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Western Societies: A Documentary History, Volume 1 by Brian Tierney
Used - Very Good
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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