Bruno Solnik graduated with a B.Sc. in engineering from Polytechnique in Paris and went on to pursue a Ph.D. in economics from MIT. After graduating, he began a teaching career with the Stanford Business School and subsequently, accepted a position with H.E.C. in Paris, where he currently teaches.
He has published over 50 articles in leading finance journals and seven books, including the highly acclaimed International Investments, Fourth Edition.
In addition to teaching and research, Solnik was the founding president of the European Finance Association. He currently serves on the board of editors of several major finance journals in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He is a Trustee of the Research Foundation the Council for Education and Research of the Association for Investment Management and Research (AMIR).
In recognition of his achievements and contributions to the field of finance, he was awarded two Graham and Dodd award from the Financial Analysts Journal and the prestigious Nicholas Molodovsky award from the Board of Governors of the Association for Investment Management and Research.