"...this manual is a useful resource for parents, carers and paediatric occupational therapy departments." - Michael Curtin, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, University of Southampton, British Journal of Occupational Therapy "This positive book encourages all people working with a child to have fun and shows that one activity can be used to achieve several aims...would be a good addition to any paediatric department." - Janet Corderoy, Team Co-ordinator Community Paediatric Physiotherapy Service Nottingham, Therapy Weekly "The idea for the manual is excellent and it is a useful book to have in ay department..." - Mairead Dempsey, Occupational Therapist, Sensor Net "The book is full of good examples, thus providing stimulation and practical ideas of how to use the activities/ideas given." - Vivienne Chamberlain, NAPOT "This book would be a useful addition to every paediatric therapy bookshelf." - Sue Whitby, Physiotherapy "It is always a pleasure to see a book which aims to take the mystique out of treatment" - Sally Brewer, Bulletin "This book would be an excellent addition to any library, giving a well thought out and coherent approach to those children requiring assistance with sensory development." - Lyn Campbell, UK Federation for Conductive Education "The manual is a practical guide for the carer or the newly trained practitioner in Sensory Motor Activities for early development." - Christine Meads, The Laban Guild Quarterly Magazine "This is a practical and easy to read non-academic spiral bound book." - Aileen McFarlane, Senior Occupational Therapist