Spymonkey is the UK's leading physical comedy theatre ensemble, founded by Toby Park, Petra Massey, and Aitor Basauri in 1998. Their hit shows include Stiff, Cooped, Love-In, Moby Dick, and Oedipussy. They also created and performed for two years the original comedy material for Cirque du Soleil's Zumanity in Las Vegas. The Complete Deaths, in which they perform every one of Shakespeare's onstage deaths, opened at Brighton Festival in May 2016, before an international tour.
Tim Crouch is a British Obie award winning theatre maker. His plays include An Oak Tree, The Author, and Adler & Gibb. For the RSC he has directed King Lear, The Taming of the Shrew, and I, Cinna/ (the poet). He was adaptor and director of Spymonkey's The Complete Deaths.