Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps For A Fulfilling Life by Christopher Jamison
Why is 'being happy' such an imperative nowadays? What meaning do people give happiness? In this audiobook Abbot Christopher turns to monastic wisdom to offer answers, and to explain that in essence happiness is a gift not an achievement, the fruit of giving and receiving blessings. Everybody is searching for happiness but not everybody knows how to find it. In modern Britain, more and more people say that their life is too materialistic and superficial, which leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction. Our consumer culture encourages the belief that happiness comes with pleasure, but this book will challenge that belief and encourage alternative approaches to how we view happiness. Following the same accessible and engaging format of Finding Sanctuary, Abbot Christopher looks in turn at the demons that make us unhappy. As we face the causes of our unhappiness, we are blessed with an authentic joy that is the real meaning of happiness