501 Spanish Verbs: 7th Ed W/CD ROM and Audio CD Pkg by Christopher Kendris
New features include--
501 Spanish Verbs plus software--the best language learning program of its kind!
It's a must have for language classes, a self-teaching guide for international travelers, and a handy reference volume for translators. In addition to the 501 verb tables the book with software includes a wealth of additional features to help students develop a truly comprehensive command of Spanish for speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension. There's a reason other publishers imitate Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs. After almost 50 years on the market, Barron's verb books are still the best. Choose the original!
Enclosed with each book
It's filled with sentence completion exercises, dialogue exercises, word completion exercises, word puzzles, and more. Barron's CD-ROM is more adaptable than those from other publishers because you can download it on any PC(R) or Mac(R).
Brand-New with This Edition--an Audio CD
It emphasizes Spanish pronunciation and listening comprehension. Here's an audio feature that presents the true sound of spoken Spanish