Foreword - Michael Apple
Chapter 1: Transforming schooling through digital disruption: Big data, policy, teaching and assessment - Bob Lingard, Claire Wyatt-Smith, and Elizabeth Heck
Chapter 2: Automated knowledge discovery: Tracing the frontiers, infrastructures and practices of education and data science - Ben Williamson
Chapter 3: Artificial intelligence and machine learning: A practical and ethical guide for teachers - Erica Southgate
Chapter 4: The relationship between humans and machines in public policy - Brian Lee-Archer
Chapter 5: Amazon Go for education? Artificial intelligence, disruption and intensification - Kalervo N. Gulson, Andrew Murphie, and Kevin Witzenberger
Chapter 6: Pearson's digital transformation and the disruption of public education - Anna Hogan and Sam Sellar
Chapter 7: Costs of big data: Challenges and possibilities of cost-benefit analysis of ILSAs - Laura C. Engel and David Rutkowski
Chapter 8: Data infrastructures and the (ambivalent) effects of rising data interoperability: Insights from Germany - Sigrid Hartong, Annina Foerschler, and Vito Dabisch
Chapter 9: Datafication and surveillance capitalism: The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) - Jessica Holloway and Steven Lewis
Chapter 10: Governing by dashboard: Reconfiguring education governance in the Global South - Radhika Gorur and Ben Arnold
Chapter 11: Next generation online assessments, technical democracy and responding to digital disruption - Greg Thompson
Chapter 12: 'Lenses on COVID-19' - Provocations
Provocation #1: Digital education in the aftermath of COVID-19: Critical hopes and concerns - Neil Selwyn
Provocation #2: Education without borders, rule without limit - Nick Couldry
Provocation #3: The electric 'shock' of the COVID-19 crisis on schooling - Anna Hogan and Ben Williamson
Provocation #4: Teachers, the anti-heroes? The global pandemic crisis and the construction of teachers as the problem 'other' - Sotiria Grek
Provocation #5: The COVID-19 pandemic creates opportunities to repair the infrastructure of public education - Sam Sellar