Now used in more than 100 universities and medical schools and over 37 countries...when with humility we are ready to use this excellent book, we will better apply our science towards improving the quality of life throughout the globe.
Journal of the American Medical Association
The book is well set out and written in simple easily digested language. It is a particularly good introduction to the definition of culture for beginners to this topic. I recommend this book be bought by every student of anthropology, and borrowed from the library by all healthcare practitioners including physiotherapists.
One of the key texts examining issues of culture, health and illness..there is a wealth of information of direct relevance to practitioners. Well structured, highly readable and contains many useful references and web site addresses. It should prove to be a useful source of information for health professionals seeking to provide more culturally sensitive care.
Journal of Community Nursing
This is the fourth edition of what has come to be a highly regarded textbook to the concepts and principles of medical anthropology. A particular strength is the inclusion of well highlighted case study and research examples throughout the text that lend themselves to tutorial and small group work. It would be very useful as a reader or reference text for behavioural sciences programmes. At postgraduate or master's level it would constitute an invaluable course book for a specialist medical anthropology course or module and should be on any health studies or public health reading list.
Irish Medical Journal
This textbook, which is already used in a number of different countries, is an important one, serving as a reference and resource for students and their educators. The text makes a useful contribution to the medical and wider health professional eduation literature as a teaching resource and reference.
Anna Chur-Hansen, Medical Education
A vital component to any medical, psychological or social care training - and not only that, it explains just why we dissect or categorise them in that way.
Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal
Well written and richly illustrated, with a wealth of case studies and anecdotes, it provides an excellent and at times entertaining introduction to the complex yet intriguing inter-relationship between culture and medicine. I thoroughly recommend it.
Education for General Practitioners
The book is clearly written and avoids the use of unnecessary jargon. It makes a good, comprehensive, introductory text for any individual who wants to obtain a fuller understanding of how people of different cultures experience health and health care.
While primarily aimed at doctors, I think this would be a useful book for undergraduates and qualified staff in many fields of medicine and its allied professions.
Hospital Medicine
Fantastic, interesting text.
Ms CM Barron, The Childrens Hospital, Dublin
Helman draws on the field of medical anthropology to explore the relationship between cultural factors and health and illness, making use of a wide range of research studies and case histories. I would recommend it as a text for pre-registration courses and for any staff who want to increase their understanding of their patients and their own profession.
Journal of Child Health Care
It remains the essential text for students in medicine, nursing, health education, international health, medical anthropology, and any specialty where an understanding of this fascinating subject is required.
CAB Abstracts