The world food programme has long been one of the unsung success stories of the international system. Now John Shaw has produced a masterly history analysing its origins, growth and controversies - and telling this practical but visionary story with insight and fascinating detail.
Food security on a global scale is an essential challenge to international governance in the world today. John Shaw provides a masterly account of how the World Food Programme has grappled with the issues of food shortages and famine - the successes, the failures and what still remains to be done. Filled with lessons and important reading for anyone concerned with global governance in the 21st century.' - Professor Richard Jolly, Institute of Development Studies, UK
'John Shaw's history of the World Food Programme is based on deep practical experience and much careful research. It is a major contribution to understanding one of the foremost achievements of the United Nations.' - John Toye
'As a comprehensive history of WFP, the book contains material that appears in the public domain for the first time. It also represents a major contribution to the history of food aid generally since the Second World War. It should be read not only by those concerned with that history, but also with the future of food aid as an essential part of the goal of achieving world food security.' - Sir Hans Singer