Acerbically captivating first novel...Benioff creates a pungent, funny urban tableau full of shrewd operators and unfulfilled desires * The New York Times *
Much acclaimed debut set on New York's mean streets. * Bookseller *
impressive debut - OBSERVER
As unusual as it is well wrought: it resonates with a Whitmanesque sense of the city's possibilities and unsatisfied longings * The New Yorker *
David Benioff's headlong suspense novel is a deceptively simple chronicle of [Monty's] final day of freedom...Working in a novelistic form of real time, Benioff shows a knack for critiquing his genre while revitalising its cliches... Instead of yielding mere irony, the author, in his first novel, achieves both pathos and excitement * Entertainment Weekly *
Brilliantly conceived, this gripping crime drama boasts dead-on dialogue, chiaroscuro portraits of New York's social strata and an inescapable crescendo of tension. Monty's solution to his agonising dilemmas will shock even hardened suspense lovers * Publishers Weekly *
Much acclaimed debut set on New York's mean streets. * The Bookseller *
Gripping Crime * ICE, London *