DAVID F. MARKS was born in Hampshire, England and lives in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France. With his mother, Mary D Marks, David was a founding member of the Campaign of Nuclear Disarmament and attended Aldermaston Marches in the 1960s. After school in Portsmouth, David studied at the University of Reading to graduate for a BSc Honours degree in Psychology and at the University of Sheffield for a PhD. In 1970 David went to New Zealand to work at the University of Otago. He also was invited to carry out research as Visiting Professor at the Department of Neurosurgery at Hamamatsu School of Medicine, at Kyushu University in Japan and at the Universities of Oregon and Washington in the US. In 1986 David returned to the UK as Head of the School of Psychology at Middlesex Polytechnic and, from 1990 as Head of the Department of Psychology at City, University of London, UK. In addition to six previous editions of this book, David Marks has published 25 other books including: The Psychology of the Psychic (1980, 2000), Theories of Image Formation (1986), Imagery: Current Developments (1990), The Quit For Life Programme: An Easier Way to Stop Smoking and Not Start Again (1993), Improving the Health of the Nation (1996), Dealing with Dementia: Recent European Research (2000), The Health Psychology Reader (2002), Research Methods for Clinical and Health Psychology (2004), Overcoming Your Smoking Habit (2005), Obesity: Comfort vs. Discontent (2016), Stop Smoking Now (2017), A General Theory of Behaviour (2018) and Psychology and the Paranormal: Exploring Anomalous Experience (2020). David is a founding member of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology and Founder Editor of the Journal of Health Psychology and Health Psychology Open. Retired from teaching and journal editing, he writes, does bird watching, cat watching and photography, and follows the exploits of four grandchildren. MICHAEL MURRAY is Emeritus Professor of Social & Health Psychology at Keele University, UK, where he was Head of the School of Psychology. Previously, he was Professor of Social & Health Psychology at Memorial University, Canada, and held positions at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School (King's College), London, UK and at theUlster University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. He has also held visiting positions at Durham University, UK and Massey University, New Zealand and honorary positions at Staffordshire University, UK and City, University of London. He has published many books, chapters, journal articles and reports on various issues in social and health psychology, especially usingnarrative and participatory approaches. His previous books include Smoking AmongYoung Adults (1988, with L. Jarrett, A.V. Swan and R. Rumen), Qualitative Health Psychology: Theories and Methods (1999, with K. Chamberlain) and Critical Health Directions in Health Psychology (Vols 1-5) (2015) and with Liz Peel and Carol Holland Psychologies of Ageing: Theory, Research and Practice (2018). Michael has been Associate Editor of the Journal of Health Psychology and of Psychology and Health and an editorial board member of Health Psychology Open, Health Psychology Review, Psychology, Health and Medicine and Arts and Health. He was Chair of the Health Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association for which he edited Canadian Health Psychologist/Psychologue Canadien de la Sante and a founding member of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Canadian Psychological Association and the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2017, he was elected an Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society for his innovative qualitative and community-based research. His current research interests include the use of participatory and arts-based methods to promote social engagement among older people. BRIAN EVANS is a Visiting Lecturer at Middlesex University, UK, having previously served there as programme leader of the MSc degree in Health Psychology. Brian has also held positions at City University and the University of Sussex, UK, and at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He is interested in the analysis of psychological research and theory in its socio-political context and his previous publications include IQ and Mental Testing: An Unnatural Science and Its Social History (1981, with B. Waites). Brian is an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Health Psychology. Professor Carla Willig graduated from the University of Manchester in 1986. She then embarked upon postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge where she was awarded an MPhil in Criminology in 1987. She stayed at Cambridge in order to conduct her doctoral research into the 'Social Construction of AIDS Knowledge' which she completed in 1991. Professor Willig has held teaching positions at the University of Plymouth (1991-3) Middlesex University (1993-9) and City University London (1999 onwards). From 2001, she undertook additional training at Regents College, London, and qualified as an Existential Counselling Psychologist in 2005.