The Craft of Revision by Donald M. Murray
Designed to function as a primary text or supplement for freshman English and basic composition courses, this brief, completely revised text introduces a new process - focus, collect, shape, order, develop, voice, edit. It builds effective writing from the standpoint of increasing the strengths rather than eliminating error. Murray, pioneer of the process approach used in Write to Learn, Read to Write, and The Craft of Revision, First Edition, breaks the revision process down in a new manner that makes it more accessible to a broad range of students. Features: * Includes professional and student case histories that reveal the process of revision in action. * Shows students how to read, diagnose problems, and design solutions for work in progress. * Suggestions for writing activities are woven into the text and follow each major section. New to this edition: * Presents new material to help students find writing subjects and strategies to develop drafts worthy of revision (Chapter 1). * Offers many reading techniques and shows how one professional writer reads his work in progress (Chapter 2). * Provides new section in each key chapter on diagnosing and solving common writing problems. * Places new emphasis on academic writing that helps students learn to write effectively in their college courses. * Illustrates six case histories of students revising with earlier and later drafts that can be used for student examination and class discussion (also includes two professional case histories).