Hero on a Mission Guided Planner by Donald Miller
Based on the book by New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller, this guided planner allows you to identify your mission, plot your course, and become the hero of your story.
In his book, Hero on a Mission, Donald Miller described the transformational yet practical plan that took him from slowly giving up to rapidly gaining a new perspective of his own life's beauty and meaning. Now, his mission is to help you do the same.
This planner will help you to create a simple plan that will bring clarity and meaning to your life's goals. With this three-month planner, you will be able to move beyond being merely productive to experiencing a deep sense of meaning through:
- 3 Life Plan Pages to determine your vision one year, five years, and ten years from now.
- 11 Goal-Setting Worksheets to identify tangible goals related to your life plan.
- 130 Daily Planner Pages to set tasks that help you maintain focus, consistency, and momentum as you work toward your mission.