Introduction - understanding the task: changing needs, artful parenting, protecting the child, seeing the whole, knowing your goals. Finding the way - understanding spoiling, defining the issues, in simpler times, our invisible times, families apart, beyond common sense; knowing the child - meeting the inner reality, the inner wisdom, machines can't grow, animal instincts, uniquely human qualities; allowing humanness - human thinking, heartfelt thinking, recognizing feelings, handling negative feelings, allowing individuality; the child meets the world - learning boundaries, guiding interests, rule of three, learning from the environment, valuing harmony; punishment or discipline - understanding the difference, power needs, learning respect, social consciousness, behaviour is learned; from discipline or self discipline - learning healthy choices, finding balance, social learning, personal values, sharing with others; learning values - taking responsibility, resolving conflict, checking the rules, family rules, making right choices; image or reality - caring for things, valuing nature, looking beyond image, seeking inner reality, cooperation from caring; nature, needs and humanness - knowing the whole person, need or want, understanding nature and needs, developing trust, setting limits, need for acceptance; learning for harmony - society's ways, observation, realistic expectations, self esteem, solving problems; affirming the child - notice me please, sharing tasks, building self confidence; calm mealtimes - physiological/psychological needs, personal likes and dislikes, avoid eating wars; presenting healthy food, the pitfalls are many; eating with gratitude, avoiding rewarding with sweets, enjoying eating; happy bedtimes - the need for ritual, the miracle of sleep, relaxing in comfort, transition to sleep, value of ritual, fear of the dark, bedtime problems; listening to your child - communication through words, communication through listening, "I" messages, understanding through words, excuse me please, different views; growing socially - practising for life, the value of rules, experiencing differences, enjoy the experience, fair play, the urge to grow; the world we live in - seeking values, becoming aware, human qualities, honouring others.