Rational delayed responses to earnings announcements (A.T.K. Lee). Explaining auditors going concern decisions using loan defaults/accommodations and covenant violations (T.J. Ward et al.). The dividend-price puzzle: a nonparametric approach (G. Vasconcellos, J.C. Mun and R. Kish). Loan loss provision and income smoothing: an analysis of the thrift industry (I. Hasan, W.C. Hunter). The effect of income smoothing on stock price (Chunchi Wu). Business viability risk assessment modeled through a Bayesian network approach (S. Dutta, L.E. Graham). Influence of unresolved commitments on investment decisions (L. Culumovic, J.P. Mayberry). Basis convergence and time-dependent hedging rule (Chin-Shen Lee). Forecasting stock prices from macroeconomic fundamentals: further evidence from an error correction model (N. Apergis). Stochastic dynamic relationship between stock price and EPS: forecasting evidence from an error correction model (A. Ghosh, C. Coyne). Categorizing mutual funds using clusters (H.A. Shawky, A. Marathe).