Mastering MATLAB 6: United States Edition by Duane Hanselman
Suitable for undergraduate courses in MATLAB, or as a reference for any course where MATLAB is used. This comprehensive text covers all aspects of MATLAB presented within an easy-to-follow learn while doing tutorial format. *NEW - All new features of MATLAB version 6 covered. *Demonstrates how the new features can be used to increase productivity and do new things. *NEW - Integration of MATLAB with C, FORTRAN, and Java covered. *Increases MATLABs power and flexibility in dealing with external algorithms, datasets, and operating system capabilities. *NEW - More thorough coverage of indexing, vectorizing, and linear algebra. *Increases ones problem solving productivity and dramatically increases algorithm speed. *NEW - More use of examples - Every chapter offers more extensive examples than the previous editions of Mastering MATLAB. In addition, a chapter specifically covering extensive examples is included. *NEW - A more comprehensive index - The index is extensively revised and expanded.