Part I: Factor Proportions Theory:.
1. Trade Theory and Factor Intensities: An Interpretive Essay: Ronald W. Jones (University of Rochester).
2. Implications of Many Industries in the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model: E. Kwan Choi (Iowa State University).
3. Robustness of the Stolper-Samuelson Price Link: Henry Thompson (Auburn University).
4. Specialization and the Volume of Trade: Do the Data Obey the Laws: James Harrigan (Federal Reserve Bank of New York).
5. The Factor Content of Trade: Donald R. Davis and David E. Weinstein (Columbia University).
6. Global Production Sharing and Rising Inequality: A Survey of Trade and Wages: Robert C. Feenstra (University of California, Davis) and Gordon H. Hanson (University of California, San Diego).
7. External Economies in the International Trade Theory: A Survey: Jae-Young Choi (Lamar University) and Eden Yu (City University of Hong Kong).
Part II: Trade Policy:.
1. The Political Economy of Trade Policy: Empirical Approaches: Kishore Gawande (University of New Mexico) and Pravin Krishna (Brown University).
2. Antidumping: Bruce A. Blonigen (University of Oregon) and Thomas J. Prusa (Rutgers University).
Part III: Investment:.
1. Foreign Direct Investment and the Operations of Multinational Firms: Concepts, History and Data: Robert E. Lipsey (National Bureau of Economic Research).
2. Discriminating Among Alternative Theories of the Multinational Enterprise: James Markusen and Keith E. Maskus (University of Colorado).
Part IV: New Trade Theory:.
1. The Economic Geography of Trade, Production and Income: A Survey of Empirics: Henry G. Overman, Stephen Redding, and Anthony J. Venables (London School of Economics).
2. Plant- and Firm-Level Evidence on New Trade Theories: James R. Tybout (Pennsylvania State University).