Alternative Water Sources and Wastewater Management by E.W. Bob Boulware
This timely volume discusses alternative water sources and waste disposal methods that are appropriate when traditional means and methods do not exist or are inadequate. Alternative Water Sources and Wastewater Management presents a variety of innovative concepts that are being researched, developed, and implementedworldwide. Featuring detailed illustrations, an eight-page color insert, current examples, statistics, and calculations, this book provides the vital informationneeded to address the rapidly increasing global demand for clean water.
Coverage includes:
- Water cycle water sources
- Springs
- Air conditioning condensate recovery
- Dew harvesting
- Fog harvesting
- Glacier water harvesting
- Rainwater catchment
- Solar distillation of water
- Graywater systems
- Water quality maintenance
- Ground water recharge
- Aquatic plants as waste management system
- Biological fi lters and constructed wetlands
- Blackwater recycling systems
- Septic system design
- Latrines and privies
- Composting toilets
- Net zero water