The Fragrant Veil: Scents for the Sensuous Woman by Elisabeth Millar
Coming up roses? - awaken and stimulate sensuality and passion through evocative powers of fragrance - Like a winged messenger from another kingdom, scent whispers an unspoken seduction that liberates emotion, unleashes memory and excites true pleasure in its delightful embrace. - author Elisabeth Millar - Increase the sensuous pleasures of daily life through the allure of scent in bath oils, facial unguents, body lotions, perfumes, and air fragrances - Design your own unique signature scent - Discover the effects of 28 scents on the mind and emotions - Author is the aromatherapist for the Haemophilla Centre at St. Thomas' Hospital, London ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Fragrant Veil explores the mystery of fragrance and the mystique of essential oils: their use in antiquity for beauty and pleasure, their association with opulence and indulgence, and their unique personalities and powers. Whether you want to express your inner Wild Woman, Playful Maiden or Alluring Aphrodite, you can create a self-portrait of scent that will inspire the imagination of everyone you meet.