"Spiderman was not the first to realise that with great power comes great responsibility. Science and technology, despite their growing power, have in the past fallen short when it comes to questions of responsibility. This can no longer hold. Responsible innovation is a vital part of the new social contract for science, but its theory and practice need continual development. In this book, Emad Yaghmaei and Ibo van de Poel have assembled a first-rate cast of analysts to make sense of the challenge and the various responses that have flourished in the last five years. Their collection provides a vital map to this new landscape." - Jack Stilgoe, Senior Lecturer, UCL
"Many by now have grasped the urgency and relevance of Responsible Innovation. After many years of research and reflection on the very idea, there still is a gap between the theory and the proof of added value of Responsible Innovation in practice. The editors of this collection have done a wonderful job in bringing together a wide ranging set of discussions of tools, methods, criteria, and frameworks that allow us to assess whether specific innovations are not only well intentioned but really achieve our moral goals in a tangible sense". - Jeroen van den Hoven, Professor of Ethics and Technology, Delft University of Technology
"The present book is an important contribution to future research and innovation as there cannot be any good progress in these fields without agreed all-encompassing assessment systems for such progress. This is a necessary step to avoid any accidental major collapse of whatever nature in a near future, be it related to ecology, economy or even individual freedom. As a European citizen I am glad and feel reassured to see that so many people from European countries and beyond are steadily carrying forward the work undertaken a decade ago at European level on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to which I had the honour to take part*. This gives hope that human species may eventually turn its ability to think and reflect into something beneficial for itself and for all other fellow species co-inhabiting our planet Earth. Heartful thanks to Emad, Ibo and to all the authors of this book!" - Philippe Galiay, now retired from the European Commission, was in charge up to June 2019 of mainstreaming Responsible Research and Innovation in the European Research and Innovation Framework Programmes and in the European Research Area
"The science, technology and innovation system is in desperate need for a research and innovation paradigm that is directional towards socially desirable outcomes and which embraces open and responsible research and innovation practices: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). An impressive number of international authors advance Responsible Research and Innovation by pushing it to the level for required institutional change. They tackle, among other, the difficult issues of indicators for incentivizing and rewarding knowledge actors and propose well-thought through standards and CEN guidelines for industrial actors. The book is a must-read for anyone engaged in research and innovation assessment." - Rene von Schomberg, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, Belgium and Guest Professor ,Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
"Spiderman was not the first to realise that with great power comes great responsibility. Science and technology, despite their growing power, have in the past fallen short when it comes to questions of responsibility. This can no longer hold. Responsible innovation is a vital part of the new social contract for science, but its theory and practice need continual development. In this book, Emad Yaghmaei and Ibo van de Poel have assembled a first-rate cast of analysts to make sense of the challenge and the various responses that have flourished in the last five years. Their collection provides a vital map to this new landscape." - Jack Stilgoe, Senior Lecturer, UCL
"Many by now have grasped the urgency and relevance of Responsible Innovation. After many years of research and reflection on the very idea, there still is a gap between the theory and the proof of added value of Responsible Innovation in practice. The editors of this collection have done a wonderful job in bringing together a wide ranging set of discussions of tools, methods, criteria, and frameworks that allow us to assess whether specific innovations are not only well intentioned but really achieve our moral goals in a tangible sense". - Jeroen van den Hoven, Professor of Ethics and Technology, Delft University of Technology
"The present book is an important contribution to future research and innovation as there cannot be any good progress in these fields without agreed all-encompassing assessment systems for such progress. This is a necessary step to avoid any accidental major collapse of whatever nature in a near future, be it related to ecology, economy or even individual freedom. As a European citizen I am glad and feel reassured to see that so many people from European countries and beyond are steadily carrying forward the work undertaken a decade ago at European level on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to which I had the honour to take part*. This gives hope that human species may eventually turn its ability to think and reflect into something beneficial for itself and for all other fellow species co-inhabiting our planet Earth. Heartful thanks to Emad, Ibo and to all the authors of this book!" - Philippe Galiay, now retired from the European Commission, was in charge up to June 2019 of mainstreaming Responsible Research and Innovation in the European Research and Innovation Framework Programmes and in the European Research Area
"The science, technology and innovation system is in desperate need for a research and innovation paradigm that is directional towards socially desirable outcomes and which embraces open and responsible research and innovation practices: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). An impressive number of international authors advance Responsible Research and Innovation by pushing it to the level for required institutional change. They tackle, among other, the difficult issues of indicators for incentivizing and rewarding knowledge actors and propose well-thought through standards and CEN guidelines for industrial actors. The book is a must-read for anyone engaged in research and innovation assessment." - Rene von Schomberg, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, Belgium and Guest Professor ,Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
"The book is a kind of tool kit of tool-kits, approaches, and most importantly practices. It is almost a handbook in the traditional form, offering examples (from experience) of practical approaches tested in real world situations. A fine companion for a forthcoming wave of Responsible Innovation Business Consultants." --Jonathan Hankins, Bassetti Foundation
"Ultimately, Yaghmaei and Van de Poel have succeeded where most stumble: they have managed to create a congruent edited collection focused on a burgeoning field of study that reads more like a cohesive monograph than a collection of eclectic contributions." --Steven Umbrello, Metascience Springer