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Introduction: Interethnic Alliances, Sacred Spaces, and the Politics of Latino Evangelicalism
Part I: Missions and Race
1. Building Up the Temple: Mennonite Missions in Mexican and Puerto Rican Barrios
2. Missionary Motives: Race and the Making of the Urban Racial Council
Part II: Black, Brown, and Mennonite
3. The Fight over Money: Latinos and the Black Manifesto
4. Jesus Christ Made a Macho Outta Me!: The 1972 Cross-Cultural Youth Convention
5. Social Movement or Labor Union? Mennonites and the Farmworker Movement
Part III: Becoming Evangelicos
6. Mujeres Evangelicas: Negotiating the Borderlands of Faith and Feminism
7. Remember Sandia!: Meno-Latinos and Religious Identity Politics
Conclusion: Latino Mennonites and the Politics of Belonging