Parametric Experiments in Architecture: A Connection Joint Design for Sustainable Structures in Bamboo by Francesco Di Paola
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the use of bamboo in the building industry. It systematically demonstrates bamboos utility in terms of its properties, describing the material properties of typical industrial bamboo products, and discussing their performance evaluation and optimization as building components and in the creation of building envelopes. The book presents the recent developments regarding the innovative ways to design and represent architecture through parametric survey tools, and describes the experimental geometrical-generative design process of a connection joint for free-form lightweight structures employing beams made of bamboo culms. It examines algorithmic-generative design themes, through processes of optimization, analysis, and geometrical-spatial verification, employing the potential of digital form-finding design and digital manufacturing techniques to validate the defined technological solution. This book appeals to scientists and professionalsand is a valuable resource for civil engineers, designers and students interested in this unique plant material and its application in the building industry.
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