Gianluigi Migliavaccagraduated in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan in 1991 and joined the Automation Research Center of ENEL in 1994, working on mathematical modeling and dynamic simulation of thermal power plants. In 2000 he joined CESI and then CESI Ricerca (now: RSE). He was head of the Transmission Network Planning research Group at RSE for several years and now acts as project manager of important national and international research projects. His research interests encompass mathematical modeling of deregulated electricity markets, regulatory issues, transmission planning and smart grids. During 2005 he was consultant at the Italian Regulator about the development of a common energy market in South-East Europe and about congestion management in Central-South Europe. He is member of the technical committee TC 6.3. Power Plants and Power Systems of IFAC. He is also active as leader of the Focus Area on Expansion Planning and Market analysis within the Annex 6 of the IEA implementing agreement ISGAN. Now, he acted as project coordinator of the Horizon2020 research project SmartNet (2016-2019) aimed at analysing TSO-DSO coordination for the allowing a participation of resources located in distribution networks (DSM, dispersed generation) to the market for system ancillary services (most notably: balancing).
Introduction.- TSO-DSO interaction and acquisition of ancillary services from distribution.- Modeling of complex systems including transmission, distribution, aggregation, ancillary services markets.- Scenario analysis.- ICT requirements in a smart-grids environment.- Technologies and protocols: the experience of the three SmartNet pilots.- Regulatory analysis.- Conclusions.