Capital and lower case alphabet; 1; Revising joins in a word: long vowel phonemes, ow, ea; 2; Revising joins in a word: le; 3; Revising joins in a word: ing; 4; Revising joins in a word: high frequency words; 5; Revising joins in a word: high frequency words; 6; Revising joins in a word: un, de; 7; Revising joins to and from s: dis; 8; Revising joins to and from r: re, pre; 9; Revising joins to and from f: ff; 10; Revising joins: qu; 11; Introducing joining b and p: diagonal join, no ascender, bi, bu, pi, pu; 12; Practising joining b and p: diagonal join, no ascender, to an anticlockwise letter, ba, bo, pa, po; 13; Practising joining b and p: diagonal join to ascender, bl, ph; 14; relative sizes of letters: silent letters; 15; Parallel ascenders: high frequency words; 16; Parallel ascenders: adding y to words; 17; Relative size and consistency: ly, less, ful; 18; Relative size and consistency: capitals; 19; Speed and fluency practice: er, est; 20; Speed and fluency practice: opposites; 21; Consistency in spacing: mis, anti, ex; 22; Consistency in spacing: non, co; 23; Consistency in spacing: apostrophes; 24; Layout, speed and fluency practice: address; 25; Layout, speed and fluency practice: dialogue; 26; Layout, speed and fluency practice: poem; 27; Layout, speed and fluency practice: letter; 28; Handwritng style: calligrams; 29; Assessment; 30; Handwriting style: acrostics; Joining letter sets