ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries: Volume 18: Publications of 1987 and additions from the preceding years by H. Vervliet
This eighteenth volume of ABHB (Annual bibliography oj the history oj the printed book and libraries) contains 3921 records, selected from some 2000 periodicals, the list of which follows this introduction. They have been compiled by the National Committees of the following countries: Arab countries Latin America Luxembourg Australia Austria The Netherlands Belgium Norway Bulgaria Poland Portugal Canada Denmark Rumania Finland South Africa France Spain German Democratic Republic Sweden German Federal Republic Switzerland Great Britain USA Hungary USSR Ireland (Republic ot) Yugoslavia Italy Latin America and the Arab countries are being covered through the good offices of American colleagues. Benevolent readers are requested to signal the names of bibliographers and historians from countries not mentioned above, who would be willing to co-operate to this scheme of international bibliographic collaboration. The editor will greatly appreciate any communication on this matter. Subject As has been said in the introduction to the previous volumes, this bibliography aims at recording all books and articles of scholarly value which relate to the history of the printed book, to the history of the arts, crafts, techniques and equipment, and of the economic, social and cultural INTRODUCTION VIII environment, involved in its production, distribution, conservation, and description. Of course, the ideal of a complete coverage is nearly impossible to attain. However, it is the policy of this publication to include missing items as much as possible in the forthcoming volumes. The same applies to countries newly added to the bibliography.