Excellent book filling a gap in the market
'This is a really well written book; concise yet full of useful information without going into unnecessary details. The compact size means it is easy to take wherever I am working and also easy to quickly find information when needed.' Amazon reviewer
A very well written, comprehensive guide for any OOH GP/AHP
'Excellent book, very well written by a GP who works in Primary Care. I firmly believe this will help not only GPs and GP Registrars working in Primary but also Associate Health Practitioners like Physician Associates, Paramedics, etc.' Amazon reviewer
Good resource for clinician working in primary care
'Great easy to read text with suggestive management for each condition. Great for clinicians to use as a reference text as part of your clinic.
Brilliant layout and pictures with suggestive treatment. Great idea.' Amazon reviewer
A must have!
'This book is excellent for all healthcare professionals including pharmacists working in primary care and wanting to excel themselves in diagnosing and prescribing. Easy to read and understand. Dr Bhupal's teachings are one of a kind.' Amazon reviewer
Excellent guide to Urgent and out of hours primary care. Expertly written.
'Expertly written by an very experienced Dr who has worked in the field for many years. A comprehensive, knowledgeable and practical guide for clinicians. Would recommend that all health care professionals buy this book!' Amazon reviewer
A great urgent care book
'This book is a great example of combination of subject theory and vast urgent care practical clinical experience of author behind it. This book deals with almost every clinical situation encountered in urgent care centres. It is very concise, comprehensive and very quick to get to the main issue in one place. I myself have been working in A&E and urgent care centres for past 15 years as a clinical lead and medical director (past), I would highly recommend this book to all clinicians who are passionate about diagnosing and managing their patients either in the community, primary care , pharmacy or urgent cares. It is well suited for Junior doctors , Nurses, ENPs, ANPs, ECPs and physician assistants working in primary care, A&E or Urgent care centres.' Amazon reviewer
An excellent read
'This is extremely useful and a must have for healthcare professionals. The layout is helpful and its easy to read. A brilliant piece of work.' Amazon reviewer