Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis by Harold L. Vogel (Merrill Lynch & Company)
Each year Americans spend at least 100 billion hours and over $100 billion on legal forms of entertainment. In this newly revised book, Harold Vogel examines the business economics of the major entertainment enterprises: movies and television programming, music, broadcasting, cable television, casino gambling and wagering, sports, performing arts, theme parks, and toys. This version differs significantly from its predecessors through its more globalized perspective: new dimensions of the international broadcasting, cable, film, and music industries have been added. The result is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference guide to the economics, financing, production, and marketing of entertainment in the United States and overseas. Investors, executives, lawyers, arts administrators, accountants, M.B.A.s, journalists and general readers will find that the book provides a strong foundation for understanding how entertainment industries operate.